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person VinchVolt calendar_month December 23, 2023
Alien Resurrection
On December 19, 2023, programmer Martin Piper revealed a pair of hidden cheat codes he included in the original release of Alien Resurrection. To execute these codes, you need to go into the game's Options menu and unlock the Cheat Menu with the code Circle/Left on the D-Pad/Right on the D-Pad/Circle/Up on the D-Pad/R2. The cheats Piper revealed include the following:

• A level selection menu can be unlocked in the Options menu right after unlocking the Cheat Menu by pressing R1/Down on the D-Pad/R1/Right on the D-Pad/L1/Up on the D-Pad/L2/Square. If entered correctly, you will hear a "bonk" sound indicating the code has been activated. Re-entering the Cheat Menu will reveal an additional option to re-visit any section in any level in the game.

• The more notable of the two codes Piper revealed is one that allows the Alien Resurrection disc to act as a boot disc to play PlayStation games on any burned CD-R disc without the use of modding. This novelty method works with any PlayStation model (as long as you have something to block the tray disc sensor on newer models so you can swap out the disc with the tray open), and must be done after unlocking the level selection menu (you can save after unlocking this menu so you do not have to unlock it again if you want to perform the disc swap trick). Once that is unlocked, go back to the Options menu and enter the code Left on the D-Pad/Up on the D-Pad/Right on the D-Pad/Down on the D-Pad/Right on the D-Pad/Up on the D-Pad/Left on the D-Pad/Square/Triangle/Square/Triangle/L1. The "bonk" sound will again be heard if the code is activated. Next, go back to the Cheat Menu and set the level selection to Level 6 and Section 1. Then while highlighting Section 1, hold down L1 (Note: it's imperative to keep holding down L1 for the remainder of this method) and press X. The screen will turn black and the Alien Resurrection disc will stop spinning, at which point you can swap out the disc with a burned CD-R disc of any PlayStation game you desire. While still holding L1, hold Square and Triangle, and then release all three buttons to boot the burned CD-R game.

When asked by YouTube channel Modern Vintage Gamer, Piper revealed that the latter cheat code had never been disclosed to Sony when the game was sent in for certification as Sony would have immediately sent the game back and forced the developers to remove it since it acted as a backdoor for playing pirated games, and he believed that no other developers who worked on the game were made aware of it either. In a YouTube comment, he explained that he only revealed the codes now because it had been so long since the game's release and he did not want to hold onto the secret for the rest of his life. According to him, the intent of the feature stemmed from Alien Resurrection potentially being planned as a multi-disc game, with the feature being implemented as a test to see if discs could be changed without resetting the PlayStation. Unlike standard multi-disc games that function with the PlayStation's built-in ability to swap out discs through an API call to maintain memory data without fully resetting the console, Alien Resurrection has code that loads an .exe file on any burned CD-R disc you swap it out with to start that new game up while bypassing the PlayStation's anti-piracy protection check.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month December 23, 2023
GamesRadar article:

Video demonstrating the cheat codes (with link to Martin Piper comment):;lc=UgxY-VgMjlsrZyWx01J4AaABAg.9yVrngKLtP59yVsLHbNHfR
According to a court document leaked during Epic Games' lawsuit with Apple, Samus Aran from the Metroid franchise was considered for a possible guest playable character in Fortnite, but was ultimately rejected by Nintendo. Executive Saxs Persson would later reveal that Epic has tried to negotiate with Nintendo several times in the past to include their characters in the game, but have continuously fallen through, stating:

"I don't know what the word for, like, making diamonds is."

While never outright stated, it's commonly believed that Nintendo's reluctance is at least in part due to their status as a "family-friendly" company, and feared any sort of instance that would reflect badly on the company (i.e. getting shot, performing certain gestures, and appearing on rival platforms).
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month December 22, 2023
Sailor Moon
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person VinchVolt calendar_month December 21, 2023
The Cutting Room Floor article:

Excerpt from a Twitter thread translating posts from a hashtag where Japanese developers share their contributions to old games:
Star Fox 64
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox 64 3D (Game)
Attachment As admitted by Mitsuhiro Takano (the original script writer for Star Fox 64) in an issue of Iwata Asks regarding Star Fox 64 3D, the development team had initially planned on including more aquatic stages based around the Blue Marine in the original game, but these were removed because they felt they dragged down the pace too much. In the Japanese version of the Aquas stage in Star Fox 64, Falco says:

こんな物 後にも先にも1回きりだぜ!(This is like the only time in our life we'll ever use this thing!)

English SF64's equivalent to this is "This thing will never hold together."

Apparently, this was the result of Takano feeling bad about there only being one underwater stage in all of SF64's single-player mode.

Going by files pertaining to Star Fox 64 found within the Nintendo Gigaleak, it seems one of these cut Blue Marine stages was known as カトレア (Katorea), which properly translates into Cattleya. Cattleya is a genus of orchids, which adds more credence that this was planned to be a beautiful water planet. The planet's initials (CL) show up in many other other source files, which gives clue to what it would've been like; for example, fox_edisplay references CL_SHIP0, CL_SHIP1, and fish00, whereas fox_boss.h refers to CL's boss as 鯖/saba, or "mackerel.” fox_jyuza.o meanwhile refers to a "saba snake", which heavily implies that the stage's boss would have been a giant fish creature or an eel of some kind.

Most of the other files label CL as "Colony", which implies that Cattleya would have been home to underwater cities. In beta versions of the map, CL is positioned between where Area 6 and Bolse would be, and presumably would have led into the cut planned Venom Normal route where Fox would have battled Andross on-foot with a bazooka.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month December 20, 2023
Mother 3
Attachment On February 9, 2007, nearly a year after the game's release, director and series creator Shigesato Itoi set up an online quiz for fans who had completed the game, testing their knowledge about it. One question asks which Thief Jujitsu technique Wess uses, with the options being:

• "Super Sunset Miracle Chop Again"
• "Super Chop Miracle Sunset Again"
• "Super Miracle Sunset Chop Again"
• "Miracle Chop Super Sunset Again"
• "Miracle Chop Super Sunrise Again"
• "Miracle Sunset Super Chop Again"

None of this corresponds with anything seen in the final game, and a note attached to the question clarifies that it was based on something that was removed during development, telling fans to ignore it. Because the intended answer was never confirmed by anyone on the Mother 3 development team, it is unknown what the true name of the technique was. Similarly, the question doesn't clarify what the technique would've been used for, though the phrase "Thief Jujitsu" is most similar to the Secret Thief Arts Technique that Wess occasionally uses in battle.
Dragalia Lost
Dragalia Lost is notable for being the first Nintendo IP to be released on mobile devices without any prior appearance on Nintendo hardware.
Marvel's Wolverine
subdirectory_arrow_right Insomniac Games (Company)
On December 12, 2023, a ransomware gang named Rhysida announced they they had hacked internal servers at Insomniac Games and stole upwards of 1.67 terabytes of data, including unreleased screenshots and concept art of the then-upcoming game Marvel's Wolverine, a timeline of upcoming Insomniac releases, as well as HR documents, emails, tax forms, internal conversations, and passports relating to current and former Insomniac employees, with the group posting a selection of this data as evidence of the theft. The group claimed it only took them 20-25 minutes to access the company's domain server and their motive was to publicly hold the stolen data for ransom. They offered to auction it off to anyone for 50 bitcoin, or $2 million USD, so long as the data was not resold by the new owners, with the deadline being a week from then. Reportedly 2% of the stolen data was purchased by unknown parties, but Insomniac did not purchase any of it back, leading Rhysida to release the remainder of the stolen data to the public.
person ProtoSnake calendar_month December 19, 2023
Spider-Man 2 developer Insomniac Games hit by Rhysida ransomware attack:

Sony Investigates Alleged Hack of Spider-Man Developer Insomniac Games:

Hackers release footage from upcoming Wolverine game and 1.3 million other stolen files:
Star Fox Adventures
Attachment In an interview with Phil Tossell (the lead software engineer for Star Fox Adventures) within an issue of Retro Gamer, he admitted the development team thought the game may have never actually even been released because of the impending Microsoft buyout.
Star Fox Adventures
subdirectory_arrow_right Dinosaur Planet (Game)
Contrary to popular belief, Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo did not singlehandedly force Rare (who was never even fully owned by Nintendo) to convert Dinosaur Planet into Star Fox Adventures. It was merely an offer and suggestion Miyamoto gave to Rare, and at the very least, the higher ups such as the Stamper Bros. and Kevin Bayliss were on board with it. An October 2004 edition of Rare's Scribes says as such:

Q: First of all, what’s the true story here, did Rare approach Microsoft because Nintendo raped Dinosaur Planet, or did Microsoft approach you guys because of your talent?

A: None of it had anything to do with Dinosaur Planet. That was way before the negotiations started, and besides, the Rare-Nintendo relationship didn’t work in such a way that they’d just force the SFA switch on us.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month December 19, 2023
Dinosaur Planet/Star Fox Adventures Development Explained:

Rare Scribes – October 19th 2004:
Franchise: Silent Hill
Team Silent, the development team within Konami that made the first four games in the Silent Hill series, was not a cohesive unit of the same developers, and many of their games had different key staff who only worked on a couple of games and not the exact same team each time. After the dissolution of Team Silent during the development of Silent Hill 4: The Room, subsequent Silent Hill entries were developed by Western studios and negatively received by critics and fans alike, with some wishing for Team Silent to reunite to develop the series. The series' sound designer Akira Yamaoka expressed his stance on the possibility of a Team Silent reunion in a 2017 PC Gamer interview:

"I'm not against it, but it's hard to say because everyone has evolved, and maybe the mindset has changed as well. Also, the technology and the games industry as a whole has changed as well. Even if we got back together I'm not even sure we could do something great so it's very hard to say at the moment."
person Kirby Inhales Jotaro calendar_month December 19, 2023
Final Fantasy VII Remake
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Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
While the game's Project Giana Kickstarter campaign was active, voice actress Cristina Vee went to Black Forest Games' forums and offered to voice Giana for the game. While her offer was considered, voice actress Katie Leigh got the role instead.
person GianaSistersFan64 calendar_month December 18, 2023
Wario World
subdirectory_arrow_right Wario (Franchise), Nintendo (Company), WarioWare (Collection)
Attachment was an official Nintendo website made as a hub for developers and publishers licensed to work on Nintendo hardware. The site used Wario as a mascot, something that may not seem strange as his profession is designing video games in the WarioWare series. However, the site was opened in 1997, predating WarioWare by multiple years, and also predates the Wario World game for GameCube. Instead of renaming the site to avoid confusion and using the URL for the game's US promotional site, the URL was used for the game's website, something that more than likely caused confusion for Wario fans. WarioWorld was closed in 2016, having recieved very few visual updates since the 1990s, and now redirects to a more modern and professionally designed Nintendo developer hub.
person Rocko & Heffer calendar_month December 18, 2023
Archive of a Supper Mario Broth post about WarioWorld:

Forum thread about Wario World's promotional website, showing a screenshot with the URL:
The Legend of Zelda
The backstory of the Triforce was inspired by the battles of medieval Europe according to the writer of the game's manual Kejii Terui.
person Twilight Sparkle calendar_month December 18, 2023
Archived official website of Keiji Terui:

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Attachment Maria has an unused punk counterpart texture left in Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams game's files. It is a recolor of Punk Giana, having red eyes, blue and green hair, a green sweater and a blue skirt. Its purpose remains unknown, though it possibly could have been meant for a co-op multiplayer mode or a scrapped cutscene.
Giana Sisters DS
According to level designer and artist Alex "Pikomi" Pierschel, since Giana Sisters DS lacks a multiplayer mode, Giana's sister Maria couldn't be playable or even appear in the game, and revealed that Punk Giana took her place.
The Finals
The Finals has been criticized for using an A.I. text-to-speech program created by ElevenLabs to artificially generate the character's voices, rather than using traditional voice actors. In response, developer Embark Studios claimed that the generated voicework is based on a mix of professional voice actors and temporary voices from Embark employees.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month December 17, 2023
Star Fox Adventures
subdirectory_arrow_right Dinosaur Planet (Game)
Attachment One of the enemies Sabre and Krystal would encounter in Dinosaur Planet were these robotic Scorpion-like automatons, typically found in Krazoa-build strongholds such as the Force Point Temples and Cape Claw. While removed in the final Star Fox Adventures, they could still be found hidden within the E3 2002 kiosk version via hacking.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month December 17, 2023
Dinosaur Planet - Robot scorpions in action:

Robot scorpions found within SFA E3 2002 demo:
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
subdirectory_arrow_right Gyakuten Saiban (Game)
One early idea for the game involved Phoenix Wright being an anthropomorphic hamster character. Later versions of the character would give him a hamster as a pet, but this was ultimately cut in the final release.
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