Beard Burger Master voice actor Ethan Eubanks has claimed that the non-rhythmic quips that Beard Burger Master says between lines in his song were not part of the script, and instead improvised. The line "My buns are very toasty" was intended as a mild innuendo, of which Eubanks is not sure if the developers of the game caught on to.
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Despite retaining "the Rapper" in its title and its source material being a music game, PaRappa only ever raps once in the anime adaptation of the PaRappa the Rapper franchise - that being the penultimate scene of the final episode, with the song sung being a rendition of PaRappa the Rapper 2's final stage, Always Love.

Two lyrics in PaRappa the Rapper 2 were censored for the US release - "We cook the best, tastes better than wine!" was changed to "We cook the best, you better get in line!" in Toasty Buns, and "I am the lord, everybody knows my name" was changed to "I am the man, everybody knows my name" in BIG and it's reprise in Food Court.
During development of PaRappa the Rapper 2, the Boxy Boy tutorials at the start of each stage were referred to as "Rodney Levels" in reference to character designer Rodney Greenblat's difficulty playing Um Jammer Lammy. Greenblat has said that Masaya Matsuura intended it as a compromise after Um Jammer Lammy proved to be too hard for the children it was aimed at, but he still wanted to implement complex button patterns.
In Japan, McDonald's once sold demo discs of PaRappa the Rapper 2 and Ape Escape 2001 to promote the games in Japan. The PaRappa demo reskinned the Toasty Buns stage to take place in a McDonald's, while the Ape Escape demo included the first 2 and a half stages, added McDonald's buildings and blimps to the level backgrounds, and added McDonald's food as collectible items - it also included a bonus video of Japanese celebrity Papaya Suzuki exploring New York with a man in a Pipo Monkey mascot costume.
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