June 29, 1998
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subdirectory_arrow_right The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Game)
According to two interviews with Famitsu in 1998, Shigeru Miyamoto cited Rare's exceptional graphical and technical work on Banjo-Kazooie as a factor for why The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was delayed, as Miyamoto and his team felt they needed to compete with it. He thought a 3D action platformer of its kind running that well on Nintendo 64 hardware was "so amazing that we don't want to be outdone", and "if Mario's a makunouchi bento, Banjo's a deluxe makunouchi bento." Some reviews of Ocarina of Time at its release compared its graphics, frame rate and textures with Banjo-Kazooie's, and felt Ocarina of Time did not perform as well in that field.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month October 23, 2024
subdirectory_arrow_right Banjo-Tooie (Game), Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Game)
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person Dinoman96 calendar_month January 13, 2024
Official Japanese Nintendo website page for Banjo-Kazooie controls:

The Cutting Room Floor article:
subdirectory_arrow_right Dream: Land of Giants (Game), Diddy Kong Racing (Game), Banjo-Tooie (Game), Pro-Am 64 (Game)
Attachment Tiptup is a recurring NPC character in the Banjo-Kazooie series that, along with Banjo, also made his debut in Diddy Kong Racing in 1997. However, Tiptup was originally the name of a turtle in Dream: Land of Giants, the game that would eventually morph into Banjo-Kazooie. Halfway through the development of BK, the development team behind Diddy Kong Racing (or Pro-Am 64 as it was called before Diddy Kong was included later on) were in need of names for their racers, one of which happened to be a turtle, and thus it was given the Tiptup name. Tiptup was then incorporated into future Rare games like Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie.
subdirectory_arrow_right Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Game)
In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, when Banjo & Kazooie either run with the Talon Trot or uses their down special Grenade Egg, a flap on the bottom of Banjo’s backpack opens up to use said move. According to Steve Mayles (the original character designer for Banjo & Kazooie) on Twitter, this is a concept that he wanted to initially use in the original Banjo-Kazooie, but limitations of the Nintendo 64 prevented it.
Inside the game's files is an unused song called "Mumbo's Rain Dance.".
Attachment There's an unused underwater variation of the Freezeezy Peak theme which cannot be heard in-game as the water in that level is too cold (and too shallow) to swim in. Even if the player travels through the icy water submerged after having been turned into a walrus by Mumbo, the music still won't change.
subdirectory_arrow_right Dream: Land of Giants (Game)
Before Rare decided to use Banjo to replace the character Edison (the main character of the canceled Project Dream project that would later become Banjo-Kazooie), they wanted the main character to be a rabbit.
Attachment An early idea for the game was to replace a majority of the dialogue in the game with "Bubblespeak". Thought bubbles would appear above the character's heads featuring an image inside, either still or moving, conveying any advice, warning or info that they're trying to tell. This was to make the dialogue in the game more uni-lingual and funnier.
In an early development version of Mad Monster Mansion, there was a painting in the dining room of the windmill from Twelve Tales: Conker 64 - The game that would later become Conker's Bad Fur Day.
Attachment Inside the game's data is an unused sign that says "On Vacation" It was most likely originally intended to be used for Mumbo's hut in the Winter area of Click Clock Wood. Instead, a Beehive tells Banjo that Mumbo is on vacation.
The original sound for collecting an Egg changed in development. It's not know why it was scrapped, but it might have been because the sound became rather annoying when collecting large amounts of eggs.
Attachment There is a unused test map in the game's data. It consists of 8 slopes arranged in a circle formation. This test map was most likely made to test Banjo's climbing ability.
The music for Gruntilda's Lair strongly resembles an old song called "Teddy Bear's Picnic". The composer, Grant Kirkhope, has acknowledged that he probably was thinking of Teddy Bear's Picnic when he wrote Gruntilda's Lair, but doesn't remember it being a conscious decision.
Attachment Inside Banjo's house is a portrait of Banjo & Kazooie walking through a forest. While commonly believed to be an early screenshot of the level Fungi Forest which would later appear in Donkey Kong 64, this is actually a screenshot from an early build of Banjo-Kazooie's prototype Dream: Land of Giants, after the original protagonist was replaced by Banjo.
person Mr. Jellysquid calendar_month January 3, 2014
Project Dream documentary by Rare:

Banjo-Kazooie - Banjo's House:
In an early E3 video, it shows that Banjo and Kazooie could fly at any time they wanted without the use of a flight pad. This was most likely removed to limit the amount of area the player could cover at one time.
Attachment A poster featuring an early design of Berri from Conker's Twelve Tales can be found in Rusty Bucket Bay. This would be replaced by a poster of Conker from from the game it would be reworked into in the Xbox Live Arcade version.
Attachment An image of Donkey Kong appeared in an early build, but was replaced with an image of Banjo's sister, Tooty.
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Attachment There's an unused firefly sprite which appears similar to the Beehive's Bee sprite which even uses the same wings. It's possible this was intended to be used for the world Mad Monster Mansion, the only level set during night.
If you input too many "illegal" cheats in the sandcastle in Treasure Trove Cove, Gruntilda will permanently delete your save file. This won't come into effect until you have saved and quit or turned off the console though.
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