Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
October 16, 1997
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The 2019 re-release of Moon: Remix RPG Adventure for modern consoles marks the first time the game received an official English translation, being released in 2020 almost a year after the Japanese release. The game was translated by Tim Rogers, a video game journalist known for his independent reviews site Action Button and his tenure with Kotaku.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month March 29, 2024
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person MehDeletingLater calendar_month September 9, 2024
In the American House, Pappas and Mamas' room features a shelf that when examined lists off the names of three comic manuscripts Pappas wrote: "Platinum Surfer", "Z-Men", and "SCAWN". These are references to the Marvel Comics and Image Comics properties Silver Surfer, X-Men, and Spawn respectively.
Attachment In the Castle, if you go into the guards Fred and Bilby's bedroom, Spoiler:Fred's side of the room is adorned with posters and memorabilia (even on his bedsheets) of the British rock band Queen and its frontman Freddie Mercury. This not only reveals that Fred idolizes Mercury, but lets on that Fred is meant to be a caricature of him.

In order to collect Love from Fred, Spoiler:if you wait on the balcony above the bedroom until nighttime, Fred will emerge at around 4:00 AM and walk to the throne room. If you follow him there, you will be treated to an extravagant rock performance where Fred is dressed in one of Mercury's jumpsuits while wearing a state crown.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month October 19, 2022
In a 1997 interview with game's planner/designer Yoshiro Kimura published in the "Moon: Official Book", he revealed that they used pictures of the Love-de-Lic staff's real-life cars and homes among other locations in Japan for the game's ending staff roll.

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