subdirectory_arrow_right Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Game)
Attachment Contrary to popular belief, the Mushroom Kingdom stage in Super Smash Bros. does not use sprites or music from Super Mario Bros.. This can be seen in obvious ways, such as enemy sprites having complex shading that would be impossible in any NES game, let alone a title as early in the hardware's lifespan as Super Mario Bros., and multiple sprites being miscolored. It can also be seen in more subtle ways, such as the ground blocks being one pixel too tall on the bottom, and the outlines on the goal stair blocks being too thick. The background music, while an impressively close replica, uses subtly different instruments and is slightly slower in tempo.

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the stage's graphics would be revised to more closely resemble Super Mario Bros., using graphics from Super Mario Maker, and the faux-8-bit Super Smash Bros. rendition of the overworld theme would be the sole battle song from that game to be absent, in favor of the original NES rendition of the song.
person Rocko & Heffer calendar_month September 25, 2023
In a 1999 interview with the game's director and designer Masahiro Sakurai published in Nice Games magazine vol.3, he was asked if he ran into trouble with getting permission to use Nintendo characters? He responded:

"The first person I asked for permission was Shigesato Itoi. Next was Shigeru Miyamoto. When he saw our work he said, “Hey, you’ve got Mario down pretty good!” The Pokémon characters took the longest to get permission, because their image is tightly supervised. I broached the subject with Pokemon Company president Tsunekazu Ishihara, but the impression I got from him was that it would probably be difficult. Satoshi Tajiri was more encouraging—he was like, “this looks cool!”"

"Personally, as the creator of Kirby, I understood how they felt: I would feel be really upset if Kirby was featured in a game that people ended up disliking, or if the people got his image and movements wrong. In fact, there had been times when I’d been kind of annoyed by the way Kirby was depicted in someone else’s illustration or as a game cameo. Smash Bros. was conceived, in part, as a reaction against that kind of sloppy handling. I imagine anyone who creates a character feels similarly protective, but Smash Bros. brought an unprecedented number of different characters together and it was of the utmost importance to us that we re-create their personalities and characteristics faithfully. I absolutely did not want to betray the original characters’ creators."
Marth was originally going to be part of the roster, but was scrapped due to time constraints. He later made his appearance in Super Smash Bros. Melee as an unlockable character.
Attachment According to his character bio, Kirby is only 8-inches tall.
On Hyrule Castle, the Maxim Tomato item never appears, making the Heart Containers from The Legend of Zelda universe the only major healing item to appear. If it is the only item put on using the item switch, all boxes and capsules will either explode or be empty.
The bedroom seen in the intro and in the scene shown after completing 1P Game has a door that is always completely unseen. Since the camera focuses mostly on the table where Master Hand puts the dolls on, the door stays hidden behind the camera.
Captain Falcon and Samus share multiple attack animations.
In the Japanese release, the attack sounds are real punching noises. It's likely this was changed to keep the game family-friendly.
subdirectory_arrow_right Super Smash Bros. Melee (Game)
Attachment In the Mushroom Kingdom stage, pausing the game and looking off to the left or right of the stage to see outside of the standard gameplay field of view, it's possible to see walls with warnings signs reading "Danger" on them, warning the player of the stage's boundary. Despite the Mushroom Kingdom stage having a different design in Super Smash Bros. Melee, these signs still appear in the stage.
person GamerBen144 calendar_month October 11, 2014
DidYouKnowGaming video:

Super Smash Bros. Melee Mushroom Kingdom stage:
Attachment The banner in the background of Saffron City that says "Got a Catch 'em All!" in the Japanese version, missing the second T. This was changed to "Gotta catch 'em all!" in the Western releases. The font also appears to have been rewritten to accommodate this. Also, the Silph sign on the Building on the right is Romanised as Silf in the Japanese release.
Attachment In an early version of the game, Saffron City's rooftop had a pink and purple color scheme.
There is an unused sound of the announcer saying "draw game", suggesting this may be an early name for Sudden Death, or possibly that sudden death originally didn't exist.
In the Japanese version, there is an unused voice clip of the announcer saying "Jigglypuff!", however Jigglypuff's Japanese name is Purin. This seems to hint that the developers planned to release the game in the west from the start, as Jigglypuff is the only character whose name is different in English and Japanese. This voice clip is also different than the one used in the international release of the game.
The congratulation screens were absent in the Japanese version of the game.
After the Super Smash Bros. release in Japan, Nintendo began a poll to gauge public interests for future roster additions. Of the top ten, seven have since been added, with the remaining three left out. James Bond was most likely left out due to legal reasons, as he is not originally a video game character and belongs to a more strict estate. While not playable, Mew and Toad both make cameos with Mew being a rare Pokeball result and Toad being used in one of Peach's attacks in later games.
Attachment One of Peach's Castle's hazards is a bumper, which is mostly used as an item. Coincidentally, this is the first stage to use an item as a hazard, and have a hazard outside of its own universe; Peach's Castle is from Mario and the Bumper is from Super Smash Bros.
Attachment In an early version of the game, Peach's Castle lacked the sign, the bridge, and the sliding stone blocks.
In the background of the Mushroom Kingdom stage, Green Koopa Troopas can be seen walking back and forth across platforms. This contradicts every Mario game to date where Red Koopas turn when coming to an edge while Green Koopas will simply walk off the edge. This would later be corrected with the stage's reappearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
person Boyobmas calendar_month May 22, 2014
Captain Falcon and Ness are the only playable characters who do not have a stage based on their respective franchises.
Super Smash Bros. was developed with a low budget, had low publicity when it launched in Japan, and was even intended to be Japan-exclusive. However, the game's success prompted Nintendo to localize it for international audiences.
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