Star Fox 64 3D
Star Fox 64 3D
July 17, 2011
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Attachment Star Fox 64 3D features an entirely new battle multiplayer mode unique from the battle mode found in the original Star Fox 64, where up to 4 players can play a local multiplayer match via Download Play (or alternatively, battle against CPU opponents). However, the game did not support online play.

Nintendo's Yusuke Amano explained in an interview in 2011 that the game's battle mode did not support online play due to both cost and time constraints, with the developers deciding to prioritize the 3D visuals, as the point of the project was to use Star Fox to provide users with a game that showed the capabilities of the Nintendo 3DS as quickly as possible:

"Personally, I play a lot of online FPS games," began Amano. "This leads me to think that just making multiplayer parts of existing games playable online isn't enough to create a satisfying experience for users. The popular online games work in lots of things, so they play well online - and if we wanted to satisfy everyone who bought the game, the costs required for including online support would be vast.

For this project what we needed to do was use Star Fox to provide users with a game that shows the appeal of Nintendo 3DS as quickly as possible. We put a lot of effort into the graphics, and if we had included online support then we couldn't have reached this level in the time allowed."
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox 64 (Game), Star Fox (Game), Star Fox Zero (Game)
Attachment The go-to term for the initial conflict of the Star Fox series, as told in three different installments (Star Fox on SNES, Star Fox 64, and Star Fox Zero), is the "Lylat Wars". This name originates from the original PAL release of Star Fox 64, where it was renamed to Lylat Wars due to trademark issues (similarly to why the first Star Fox was renamed to "Starwing" there as well). In comparison, its 3DS remake, Star Fox 64 3D, would retain the Star Fox 64 moniker in all regions. Nintendo would later actually canonize the "Lylat Wars" moniker as the official name of the conflict against Andross' forces in the opening prologue to Star Fox Zero.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month February 7, 2024
Star Fox Zero prologue where Fox mentions the "Lylat Wars":;list=PLAV-xzjVBR0Wr2JIdD02pefR7CLz18wg2

Lylat Wars page on NOE website:
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox 64 (Game)
Attachment Many Star Fox 64 players have referred to the Venom army general piloting the mecha boss encountered in the Easy Route Corneria path as "Granga", presumably because of the Star Fox 64 Nintendo Power Official Strategy Guide referring to him as such.

In reality, or at least going by the official Japanese Star Fox 64 guidebook and also Star Fox 64 3D, the name "Granga" actually refers to the aforementioned mecha itself. Like most of Andross' lieutenants (with the exception of Caiman), the pilot himself seemingly never had a proper name.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month December 28, 2023
Star Fox 64 Nintendo Power Official Strategy Guide referring to the pilot of Granga as "Granga" himself:

User's English translation of official Japanese Star Fox 64 guidebook:

Encountering Granga, dubbed as "Urban-Assault Weapon", in Star Fox 64 3D:
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox (Franchise)
Attachment In a 2011 Nintendo Dream interview with the development staff of Star Fox 64 3D, Yusuke Amano joked that a future Star Fox game could be a dating simulator:

Dylan: Mr. Miyamoto often says that "Star Fox is not a predetermined game, but a world that aims to explore new ways to play."

I see. So, he is using Star Fox to explore new ways of playing.

Dylan: Yes. Although it was never released, when we were making "2" (later included in the Nintendo Classic Mini Super Nintendo Entertainment System), we really experimented with a lot of things, like the way 3D space works. That was the case with 'Command' as well, and it's what makes this series so unique and interesting. You know, in other series, you make the same thing with a few new elements. But with 'Star Fox,' the systems are completely different in "Adventures" and "Assault".

Amano: So maybe the next one will be a romance game.

Everyone: (laughs)

Dylan: But that would be fun.

Imamura: Even Tingle became a romance game (laughs).
person Dinoman96 calendar_month December 1, 2023
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox 64 (Game), Star Fox: Assault (Game)
Attachment In Star Fox 64 3D's ending, the conference hall where the Star Fox team meets General Pepper after Andross' defeat was changed from its original appearance into a hangar, with fewer, more spread out Dog soldiers.

More notable, however, is how the generic planet Corneria image and lettering at the back of the room has been replaced by the Cornerian Army logo that first appeared in Star Fox: Assault.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month November 21, 2023
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox 64 (Game), Star Fox (Franchise)
Attachment Across two interviews with two different Nintendo Dream issues in 2011, Takaya Imamura expressed quite a bit of interest in creating a prequel to Star Fox 64 starring James McCloud and the original Star Fox team, mentioning the idea three times, unprovoked. He also even suggested a future game could be a soft reboot set several years later with a new lead instead of Fox.

From the Star Fox 64 3D Developer interview in the September 2011 issue of Nintendo Dream:

Why did Pigma join the original Star Fox team?

Imamura: I still don't want to talk about the events surrounding James or other episodes from the original Star Fox because if we were to do something with that, I would want to create a game around it and release it.


Imamura: I'm just thinking out loud.

Everyone: (laughs)

Imamura: You see, if we talk about it too much here, it might become difficult to make if it really happens (laughs).

Shortly aftwards, after being asked about the future of the Star Fox series:

When Nintendo makes a video game, we don't make it to tell a story. We first have some kind of cool idea for the core of a game, and if that idea is something that works well for Star Fox, then we need to build a story around it. When that time comes, it might be a story about James, or we might just keep the "Star Fox" franchise name and set it far off in the future with a different main character.

In a later interview, Imamura says:

But really, part of me does want to end Fox's part of the story with "Command." So, going forward, if we made a sequel it might be set between "64" and "Adventures," or maybe even a prequel to "64."

Unfortunately, nothing has ever come of this. All the Star Fox series has seen since then is the release of Star Fox Zero (a reimagining of Star Fox 64), Star Fox Guard (a tower defense game set around the same time), and an official release of the 20-year old game Star Fox 2. Takaya Imamura would retire from Nintendo in early 2021.
Attachment The Landmaster's appearance as Fox, Falco and Wolf's Final Smashes in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U is a composite of its appearances from Star Fox 64 and Star Fox Assault, maintaining the sharp and futuristic appearance it had in the latter, but still retaining traditional tank treads as seen in the former.

This particular design would eventually be implemented into the Star Fox series proper, beginning with the Landmaster's appearance in Star Fox 64 3D, and would be used again in Star Fox Zero.
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox 64 (Game), Star Fox Command (Game)
Attachment For Star Fox 64 3D, Bill Grey's fighter craft in the Katina mission was redesigned to be closer in design to its appearance in Star Fox Command. It was probably also done to distinguish it from the other Cornerian Fighters present in the mission, which Bill's fighter looked identical to back in the original Star Fox 64.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month November 5, 2023
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox 64 (Game)
Attachment The official Japanese Star Fox 64 guidebook reveals that the Great Fox's creation by Space Dynamics was commissioned by Fox's father, James McCloud, who was involved in its design from the planning stage. Its enormous cost incurred in its construction resulted in James taking out an 80-year mortgage to purchase it, a debt that Fox is still trying to repay to this day.

This information also appeared in western material, such as the official western Star Fox 64 website and also the Star Fox 64 Official Player's Guide, and was also mentioned again in a 2011 Nintendo Dream magazine interview with the development staff of Star Fox 64 3D, where Takaya Imamura reveals that the Great Fox was taken out to the original Star Fox team's investigation on Venom that resulted in James' death.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month November 3, 2023
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox (Game), Star Fox (Franchise), Q-Games Ltd. (Company)
After the release of Star Fox 64 3D, Dylan Cuthbert and Q-Games had pitched doing a similar style of remake for the original SNES Star Fox title. However, this was turned down by Nintendo.
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox 64 (Game), Star Fox Command (Game), Star Fox (Franchise)
Attachment Contrary to popular belief, and also contrary to the Star Fox 64 Official Player's Guide, Solar is not a star, but merely a lava planet with an exposed mantle, according to both the official Japanese guidebooks for Star Fox 64 and Star Fox Command. Even the official Western Star Fox 64 website clarifies it being a planet. The Western localization of Star Fox Command would also reiterate this in-game, with one of its missions on Solar being named "The Red-Hot Planet".

In a 2011 Nintendo Dream magazine interview with the Star Fox 64 3D development staff, Takaya Imamura once again clarified that Solar is a planet, and that the star Lylat exists somewhere in the Lylat System not visible on the map screen. Apparently, the development team did consider changing Solar into being a sun for Star Fox 64 3D, but this was passed over.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month October 30, 2023
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox (Franchise)
Attachment According to Shigeru Miyamoto in an edition of Iwata Asks regarding Star Fox 64 3D, Yusuke Amano originally wanted to create an all new Star Fox title for the Nintendo 3DS. However, the higher ups at Nintendo wanted a game that could be released fast for the 3DS' launch window in 2011, whereas a fully original title would require at least three years to make. Thus the project was reduced into a simplistic remake of Star Fox 64. Miyamoto called upon Dylan Cuthbert and Q-Games, who previously had worked on Star Fox Command in for the Nintendo DS in 2006, to assist development.
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox 64 (Game)
Attachment The green planet Peppy's Arwing is shown hurdling towards in the prologue for Star Fox 64 (and also its 3DS remake, Star Fox 64 3D) is actually meant to represent Papetoon, his and also Fox and James' home planet. The Japanese prologue even refers to it as such, and various Japanese SF64 material also mention it. However, when Star Fox 64 was localized for Western audiences, Nintendo of America completely wiped out all specific mention of Papetoon in both the prologue and also manuals/guidebooks.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month October 27, 2023
IGN's English translation of Star Fox 64's Japanese manual:

Star Fox 64 Official Japanese Character Bios:

惑星パペトゥーンの宇宙アカデミーでコーネリア防衛軍の士官候補生として学んでいたが、父親の志を継ぐべく、新チームのリーダーに着任した。= He was studying at the Space Academy on the planet Papetoon as a cadet for the Cornerian Defense Force, but he was appointed as the new team leader in order to carry on his father's legacy.

Star Fox 64 Japanese intro:

命からがら脱出したペッピーは、故郷の惑星パペトゥーンに戻り、ジェームズの息子、フォックスに父親の最後を告げた。= After escaping with his life, Peppy returned to his home planet, Papetoon, and told James' son, Fox, the end of his father.
The Western dub for Star Fox 64 3D notably brought back many of the original voice actors from the N64 version to reprise their respective roles for the first time in years, those being:

•Mike West (Fox, James)
•Lyssa Browne (Slippy, Katt, Spyborg)
•David Frederick White (R.O.B, Pigma, General Pepper, Attack Carrier Pilot)
•Ja Green (Leon, Shogun Pilot, Sarumarine Captain, Forever Train Conductor, Area 6 Commander)

For unknown reasons, David Frederick White goes uncredited.

The rest of the cast, however, were recasted:

•Falco, Andrew, Meteo Crusher Pilot, and Caiman, all originally voiced by Bill Johns, were now voiced by Mark Lund, Mike West, Jaz Adams and Jay Ward respectively.
•Wolf, Bill Grey and Granga, all originally voiced by Jock Blaney, were now voiced by Mike West, Jaz Adams and Mark Lund respectively.
•Peppy and Andross, both originally voiced by Rick May, were now voiced by Jaz Adams and David Frederick White respectively.
person CuriousUserX90 calendar_month June 8, 2014
Attachment Concept art for Star Fox 64 3D suggests that the development team at some point considered creating an all new Arwing model design, one that appears to be a mixture of the classic Star Fox 64 design and the sleeker, sharper Star Fox: Assault design, similar to how the Landmaster was redesigned to resemble its 64/Assault amalgamated design from Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
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Attachment One of Falco Lombardi's most famous lines in Star Fox 64 is "Hey, Einstein! I'm on your side!"

This line is somewhat controversial because it implies that there exists some version of scientist Albert Einstein within the Star Fox universe. It is worth pointing out that this was added in for the Western localization of Star Fox 64, as in the Japanese version of the game, Falco simply just says:

クッ!敵と味方の区別も出来ねえのか!(Damn it! Can't you even distinguish between friend and foe?!)

Ultimately, the Western version of Star Fox 64 3D would have this line be changed to: "Hey, genius! I'm on your side!"
person Dinoman96 calendar_month January 8, 2024
Star Fox 64 Uncompressed Audio - Falco Lombardi:

Star Fox 64 3D - Falco Lombardi's Quotes:

Star Fox 64 Falco voice clips (Japanese):
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox 64 (Game)
Attachment As admitted by Mitsuhiro Takano (the original script writer for Star Fox 64) in an issue of Iwata Asks regarding Star Fox 64 3D, the development team had initially planned on including more aquatic stages based around the Blue Marine in the original game, but these were removed because they felt they dragged down the pace too much. In the Japanese version of the Aquas stage in Star Fox 64, Falco says:

こんな物 後にも先にも1回きりだぜ!(This is like the only time in our life we'll ever use this thing!)

English SF64's equivalent to this is "This thing will never hold together."

Apparently, this was the result of Takano feeling bad about there only being one underwater stage in all of SF64's single-player mode.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month December 20, 2023
Iwata asks - Star Fox 64 3D:

Star Fox 64 Falco voice clips (Japanese):
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox Command (Game), Star Fox (Franchise)
Attachment When asked about the canonicity of Star Fox Command in relation to its predecessors (those in particular being Star Fox 64, Star Fox Adventures and Star Fox: Assault) in a Reddit AMA, Dylan Cuthbert had this to say:

Canon is something the fans like to try to follow but Command was meant to be an alternate timeline kind of game, hence the choices you make. It let us have a lot more fun with the characters.

In turn, many within the Star Fox fandom figured that he was implying that the game itself was not canon to the previous installments. However, years later, Cuthbert would clarify on what he really meant by Command being an "alternate timeline kind of game":

Each play through is an alternate reality, play through multiple times until you get the reality /you/ want. In this sense none of them are canon and they are just a few possible realities based on your subjective experience and choices.

In reality, it seems what Cuthbert really meant was that each playthrough and story path is meant to represent an alternate timeline, not that Command itself was in a separate timeline from 64, Adventures, and Assault. Nintendo Dream's guidebook for Star Fox 64 3D from 2011 would actually include an entire chronological timeline of the series up to that point, beginning with Star Fox 64 and ending with Star Fox Command.

Essentially, all of the game's branching story paths are canon and non-canon at the same time, as there's said to be no true ending as it's up to the players to decide how Command, and perhaps the entire series' chronology as it truly began in 1997, ends. A 2011 Nintendo Dream magazine interview with Dylan Cuthbert, as well as Takaya Imamura, would reiterate this sentiment.

Which of the endings in "Command" is considered the canonical one?

Imamura: I think that's going to be up to each person who plays through the game.

Dylan: But the ending picture you drew, Imamura, had an impact. Like the one with Fox crying (laughs).

I definitely figured that was Imamura-san's work. That means that whenever you make the next game, I assume that one of these endings will end up being canon.

Dylan: I'm pretty sure that one will be picked when that time comes.

Fox's son, Marcus, could also potentially be the main character in that case?

Imamura: Yeah. But really, part of me does want to end Fox's part of the story with "Command." So, going forward, if we made a sequel it might be set between "64" and "Adventures," or maybe even a prequel to "64." With "Command," there's no "this is it, it's over" moment, which I think makes for a better video game experience.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month November 7, 2023
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox (Game)
Attachment A 3D polygonal model based on the Arwing from the first Star Fox was discovered within Star Fox 64 3D's files. It is not known if it had anything to do with Q-Games' pitch to Nintendo of a Star Fox SNES remake that was ultimately rejected, though it's worth pointing out that that occurred after Star Fox 64 3D's release.
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox 64 (Game)
Attachment One of the more enigmatic characters in Star Fox 64 is the tanuki or raccoon dog that only appears in its training mode. On the official Japanese Star Fox 64 website, Slippy reveals that his name is ヤル・デ・ポン (Yaru De Pon), and that he is the president of Space Dynamics, the manufacturers of the Arwing and other vehicles the Star Fox team utilizes in their missions.

His surname seems to reference the du Pont family (ポン spells both "Pon" and "Pont"), a wealthy American family who made their fortune selling gunpowder, and later chemicals and motor vehicles. A popular rumor is that Henry A. du Pont secretly sold gunpowder to the Confederacy during the Civil War; fittingly enough, Slippy implies that Yaru de Pon is involved in "shady weapon deals", suggesting that he might be supplying Andross' forces as well.

Yaru de Pon is also notably the only character in the original Star Fox 64 to not have any voice acting. This was addressed in its 3DS remake, Star Fox 64 3D, where he is now properly voiced by Jay Ward (who also voices Wolf O'Donnell in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, as well as the Nintendo Switch version of Starlink: Battle for Atlas) in the English version, and Kunpei Sakamoto in the Japanese version.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month November 1, 2023
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