February 17, 2011
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Attachment Within the game's data is an original cover of the song "Battle! Wild Pokémon" from Pokémon Diamond & Pearl. In addition, an early placeholder texture for score rankings features the names of numerous Pokémon characters.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month April 26, 2022
Catherime - Battle! Wild Pokémon:

The Cutting Room Floor article:
Boss' sex is mistakenly listed as "Female" in the game's "Venus Mode Art Book".
Many Japanese players complained about the difficulty of the game, so much that Atlus released a patch enabling a new difficulty, Super Easy, which can be unlocked on the menu via a cheat code. The North American release was already patched.
Attachment In the Stray Sheep bathroom, you can find a poster of Teddie from Persona 4. The name Kuma is covering his face which is his name in Japan.
Attachment Inside the Stray Sheep bar, there is a doll of Teddie, a character from Persona 4.
Attachment Catherine's protagonist Vincent Brooks appears in Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable. His name is simply "Man Drinking Alone" in the dialog bubbles but talking to him reveals his relationship issues and notes "it's nothing that [your character's name] needs to worry about" and even asks the player if they've ever had a dream where they're falling.
Attachment Before the release of Catherine in Japan, Atlus warned that "all gamers who share spoilers about Catherine will have nightmares and die".
Attachment When Catherine was released in America, the game came in two different sets of cover art. One set containing the Japanese cover and the other showing just the female characters' (Catherine and Katherine) faces. This was Atlus's answer to some stores wanting to "feature a cover that is more considerate of certain retailers' broader customer demographic."
Attachment In the "True Katherine" ending, Spoiler:Erica Anderson is revealed to be a transgender woman, with the credits revealing that she was originally raised under the name Eric. She is additionally referred to by her birth name in the Japanese version's manual, which lists her sex as male. This treatment of her generated controversy in the years since the game's release on whether or not it negated the positive elements of her "flawed but realistic" characterization.

Catherine: Full Body further stoked controversy both in and out of Japan regarding the character. The game's marketing highlighted a scene where Spoiler:Vincent reacts to the sight of Erica's naked body with shock, which drew criticisms of invoking a transphobic trope where men are disturbed by the sight of a transgender woman's genitals. Additionally, the game itself includes an alternate ending in which Spoiler:Catherine goes back in time and starts dating Vincent in high school, with a time-skip showing Erica pre-transition. Although the ending heavily implies that she will still transition later on, many audiences interpreted it as advocating that transgender people continue presenting as their assigned gender at birth.
person Hipserious calendar_month March 30, 2013

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