In the Japanese version of Alex Kidd in Miracle World, there is a heartfelt secret message accessible by holding Button 1 on controller 2, and then Button 2 or 1 on controller 1 on the ending screen:
In English, this reads:
"うまれくる こどもが アレクのように あいとゆうき
をもつ つよいこでありますように こういちとえみに こ
のおはなしを ささげます。
そして アレクをあいする すべての ひとが いつま
でも こうふくで ありますように アレクとともに い
バイ こうたろう
よーこ まちるだ りえ わかしまづ
パパ こういち とく
いじめっこ かおり いじめられっこ とし"
をもつ つよいこでありますように こういちとえみに こ
のおはなしを ささげます。
そして アレクをあいする すべての ひとが いつま
でも こうふくで ありますように アレクとともに い
バイ こうたろう
よーこ まちるだ りえ わかしまづ
パパ こういち とく
いじめっこ かおり いじめられっこ とし"
In English, this reads:
"We dedicate this story to Kōichi and Emi. May children yet to be born be strong, and have love and bravery like Alex.
And we, together with Alex, hope that all who love him may be forever happy.
Yōko Matilda
Rie Wakashimazu
Papa Kōichi
Kaori the Bully
Toshi the Bullied"
And we, together with Alex, hope that all who love him may be forever happy.
Yōko Matilda
Rie Wakashimazu
Papa Kōichi
Kaori the Bully
Toshi the Bullied"
subdirectory_arrow_right Sega Ages Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Game)

•Stone-Head: Rock, Scissors
•Scissor-Head: Scissors, Paper
•Paper-Head: Rock, Scissors
•Stone-Head Rematch: Rock, Scissors
•Scissor-Head Rematch: Rock, Rock
•Paper-Head Rematch: Rock, Scissors
•Janken the Great: Paper, Paper
If you incorrectly answer, that will change the answers from that point on.
In the Sega Ages release of the game for Nintendo Switch, one of the game's borders has the correct Janken moves on the top and bottom.
All Janken battles:
Borders with correct Janken moves:
Borders with correct Janken moves:
subdirectory_arrow_right Dragon Ball (Franchise)
Similarly to Donkey Kong's origins as a Popeye game, Alex Kidd in Miracle World was originally intended as a Dragon Ball game. Alex's creator, Kotaro Hayashida, said in an interview:
A classic Dragon Ball influence can be observed in the final game, such as Alex's laser bracelet resembling a kamehameha and the use of Janken (Rock, Paper, Scissors) in boss battles, as well as certain character and object designs with resemblance to those from Dragon Ball, and shared influences from the public domain Japanese story Journey to the West.
"Sega were planning on making a Dragon Ball game... I guess this happened long enough ago that it's okay for me to talk about this! The project began as a Dragon Ball title, not as a direct competitor to Super Mario Bros.
But when we were told we could not use the Dragon Ball licence any more, we were forced to come up with our own ideas instead. For example, when it was Dragon Ball, Goku fought with his Power Pole, but we changed that to a punch attack. It was only after we came up with the plan to restart the project as Alex Kidd in Miracle World that we starting thinking about Mario, and looking for ways in which to differentiate the title from it."
But when we were told we could not use the Dragon Ball licence any more, we were forced to come up with our own ideas instead. For example, when it was Dragon Ball, Goku fought with his Power Pole, but we changed that to a punch attack. It was only after we came up with the plan to restart the project as Alex Kidd in Miracle World that we starting thinking about Mario, and looking for ways in which to differentiate the title from it."
A classic Dragon Ball influence can be observed in the final game, such as Alex's laser bracelet resembling a kamehameha and the use of Janken (Rock, Paper, Scissors) in boss battles, as well as certain character and object designs with resemblance to those from Dragon Ball, and shared influences from the public domain Japanese story Journey to the West.
subdirectory_arrow_right Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX (Game)
In the Japanese version of Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Alex eats a rice ball at the end of each stage. The 1990 US revision of the game changes this to a hamburger.
In Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX, a Spanish omelette and fish & chips are added as options, possibly in tribute to the Master System's popularity in Spain and the United Kingdom.
In Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX, a Spanish omelette and fish & chips are added as options, possibly in tribute to the Master System's popularity in Spain and the United Kingdom.
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