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A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia
Attachment The game's title screen was completely redone when it was localized for its Japanese release.
A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia
Attachment When the game was localized to Japan, the sprite for the main character was changed to make him more cartoonish.
Tales of Symphonia
subdirectory_arrow_right Tales of Symphonia (Game), Tales of Symphonia (Game)
In the GameCube version of the game, Lloyd, Genis and Colette possessed incredibly powerful secret techniques (nowadays called Mystic Artes) performed under specific circumstances.

Lloyd: Falcon's Crest
Genis: Indignation Judgment
Colette: Holy Judgment

The PlayStation 2 version of the game added Mystic Artes for the other playable characters as well as the bonus boss Abyssion (Who can use all the playable characters' Mystic Artes) and final boss Mithos. Some characters have 2 Mystic Artes as well. The PlayStation 2 version also added various miscellaneous artes for most of the cast. The PlayStation 3 Chronicles rerelease of the game is based off of the PlayStation 2 version and retains the new moves.

Raine: Sacred Light (formerly unused in the GC version), Fairy Circle
Kratos, Zelos, Mithos, Abyssion: Shining Bind
Zelos' 2nd MA: Divine Judgment
Presea: Infernal Ruin, Crimson Devastation
Regal: Fanged Finality.

Sheena does not get any new Mystic Artes but her Summons now have a Mystic Arte character cutin image appear when performed.

Zelos as a playable character could now also learn and use his Judgment tech at any time once unlocked, Kratos gained a new healing/attack move called Guardian Field and Yggdrasil gained a move named "Yggdrasil Laser", a homage to Dhaos' infamous "Dhaos Laser" from Tales of Phantasia.
Tales of Vesperia
subdirectory_arrow_right Tales of Vesperia (Game)
If the player uses Rita's Thunder Blade spell against Time Traveler/Dhaos when his health is below half during the Coliseum 200 man battle, Rita will instead perform Indignation and finish him off instantly. This references the intro of Dhaos' home game Tales of Phantasia, where said spell forced Dhaos into retreat. Rita will also be able to use Indignation freely from that point onward. This only applies to the PlayStation 3 version of the game.
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
An unused still image from the game's intro sequence can be found in a Japanese promotional demo disc. The image features a cameo from Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman, appearing as they did in The Shawshank Redemption. The image itself does not appear in the final release of the game.
Tales of Symphonia
subdirectory_arrow_right Tales of Symphonia (Game), Tales of Symphonia (Game)
An unused tech for Raine, called "Sacred Light" can be found in the coding of the GameCube version of the game. The technique is almost fully complete, possessing a translated incantation ("Life, be thy sustenance and destroy the enemy!") and animation, though it does not damage the enemy.

For the PlayStation 2 version, Sacred Light was fully completed and implemented as Raine's first Mystic Arte, performed by using her Ray or Holy Lance spells 100 times then using anyone of them in Over Limit.

The English release of the PlayStation 3 version uses the formerly unused English incantation.
Sonic Adventure 2
Throughout many cutscenes in the game, several of the characters lines will cut each other off. This is due to the length of the lines being longer in English than in Japanese, and the fact that the cutscenes weren't extended to compensate.
Dragon Warrior II
Attachment In the MSX version of Dragon Quest II, talking to the King of Ladatorm without having anything equipped to the princess will get the player the "Skimpy Swimsuit." The screen will then cut to a drawing of the princess in the swimsuit briefly before returning to the game. This is not present in any other version of the game.
Kirby's Dream Course
subdirectory_arrow_right Special Tee Shot (Game)
Attachment Originally, Kirby's Dream Course was not going to be a Kirby game. It was originally a game titled Special Tee Shot, a miniature golf game which was going to be released on the Super Nintendo. It was midway through development before the game was reworked using elements from the Kirby series. Special Tee shot eventually got a release of its own on the Satiliteview add-on for the Super Famicom in Japan.
Kirby's Dream Course
Attachment The color palette for the buttons on the SNES controller was changed in the North Amercian version to show the colors that are on the controller in North Amercia. The PAL version keeps the button colors from the Japanese version, but removes the text.
Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit
In the original Japanese WonderSwan release, the digivolution music that plays is a shortened instrumental rendition of either "Brave Heart", "Beat Hit!", or "EVO". In the international release, there is only one digivolution song, even though the other music files are in the game's data.
Pikmin 2
Attachment Many of the game's treasures were changed when the game was localized in different regions. Many of the treasures in the original Japanese game were based on Japan-only brands and cultural references. These were changed to more appropriate brands and references in each region. This is the reason why Disk Mystery-based treasures are Japan-only, as well as the Survival Series being US-only.
Super Mario World
Attachment If you play the last level of the special world in the Japanese version of the game, at the very end of the level a lot of coins will spell out "YOU ARE SUPER PLAYER !!". To fix any grammatical issues, the international version changed this to spell out "YOU ARE A SUPER PLAYER !!".
person Ophl calendar_month September 28, 2014
The Cutting Room Floor article:

Legends of Localization article (link and image submitted by ZpaceJ0ck0):
Kirby's Avalanche
Attachment Since the buttons on the Super Nintendo controller are purple and black in North America, they were changed to the colors on the Super Nintendo controller's buttons in Europe which are red, yellow, green, and blue.
Kirby's Avalanche
Attachment When Kirby's Avalanche got a PAL release, it's name was changed to Kirby's Ghost Trap.
Super Mario World
Attachment In the Japanese version, Reznor's name is Bui Bui which is labeled on the wooden planks when you battle them in the fortresses. Bui Bui's name was changed to Reznor when the game was localized.
Attachment The boss for the Planet Freon in the Japanese version looks like a cat monster. This was changed to a frost monster in the International version, as the cat monster is a reference to a Japanese Idiom. A person who doesn't like hot or spicy food can be said to have a "cat tongue", which is why you throw hot soup in his mouth to hurt him.
Kirby's Block Ball
Attachment The game intro and title screen were completely redone. In the Japanese version, Kirby comes from the background and bounces onto the game title and then starts spinning around. In the international version, Kirby floats on a cloud and then jumps down to the title screen.
Kirby's Adventure
Attachment Originally there was a cannon icon that would appear whenever Kirby was on a cannon. Even though this was cut from it's original purpose, the cannon icon can still be found by using the Mix ability: it can be seen during the roulette selection of abilities using an emulator's frame-by-frame advance feature. Oddly enough, it remains used in the French version.
Super Smash Bros. Melee
In the PAL version of the game, the Rainbow Cruise stage is renamed to "Rainbow Ride", likely for consistency with the international versions of Super Mario 64.
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