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According to the game's motion artists, Tomoya Ohtsubo and Yuichiro Hiraki, the game was not going to feature the ability to jump early in development. Hideki Kamiya himself was against having the ability to jump and had to be convinced of its addition.

"We eventually wore him down with the argument that a 3D game with so much action simply had to include the ability to jump. He relented in the end, albeit bitterly. Maybe he was thinking about how much extra work it would add?

But once it was decided. Kamiya-san's mood picked up. After jumping was implemented, he didn't hold back. exclaiming. "How about a double jump?" The stage designers weren't so pleased. We didn't build these stages to be viewed from such a high perspective'. they said. (laughs) But they did their best to adjust everything, only to be blindsided again by the introduction of the flying Devil Trigger mode. (laughs) We were on the sidelines of all this, but I felt bad for the stage designers, who went from stages designed for no jumping. to jumping, to double-jumping, and finally Devil Trigger mode flying."

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