The Night Elf Banshee's portrait is a direct reference to the Night Elf race from Warcraft
The Urubu's name is Portuguese for "vulture" or "buzzard".
Nyon is never named in-game, and sub-titles refer to him as the "Tal'darim Executor.", the name "Nyon" was derived from various sources, such as his official portrait.
Blizzard went through many different concepts for the hybrids. The unused designs were "aquatic and graceful", intended to convey a more advanced alien species than the Protoss and Zerg.
The goliath's portrait is based on Dustin Browder, lead designer of Starcraft 2 and game director of Heroes of the Storm.
The Protoss Immortal's portrait occasionally shows a goldfish, when asked about it, lead designer Dustin Browder jokingly said it was named "Herbie".
New Folsom Prison is a reference to Folsom State Prison in California, one of the first maximum security prisons.
Folsom State Prison in most well know for the Johnny Cash song, "Folsom Prison Blues", which was also performed there in concert.
Folsom State Prison in most well know for the Johnny Cash song, "Folsom Prison Blues", which was also performed there in concert.
Zeratul was originally planned to be the main focus of Legacy of the Void, but the developers felt that as Legacy of the Void was a protoss story, Artanis was in a better position to represent the Protoss race as a whole.
Holding down the button for the FPS counter (Ctrl + Alt + F) for more than 10 seconds will cause a strange face to appear under the FPS counter.
Dehaka's right arm can be found in the Supreme mission.
In The Heart of the Swarm campaign, the character can overhear Abathur in the evolution pit say, "Must solve lemon juice allergy hinderance in zergling strain." This is a reference to a news feed in Wings of Liberty where Donny Vermillion ends the segment with some speculation: "Up next: Are zerglings allergic to lemon juice?"
The mission "Welcome to the Jungle" in the Wings of Liberty campaign is named after a song by Guns N' Roses. The achievement "Appetite for Destruction" is named after their first album, and the achievements "It's So Easy" and "You're So Crazy" are also named after Guns N' Roses songs.
In StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty's third campaign mission, there is a Tauren Marine hidden on the map. Clicking on him three times starts a countdown which will cause him to lift off in a portable toilet.
He can then be seen flying through space from the bridge of The Hyperion and on certain missions.
Tauren are from the Warcraft series, also developed by Blizzard.
He can then be seen flying through space from the bridge of The Hyperion and on certain missions.
Tauren are from the Warcraft series, also developed by Blizzard.
Diablo, from the series of the same name, can be found on the bottom right corner of the map in the mission "Devil's Playground".


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