subdirectory_arrow_right The Pink Panther's Passport to Peril (Game)
The song "Camp Chilly Wa-Wa (Day 4)" from the soundtrack to The Pink Panther's Passport to Peril, and the song "Resting Comfortably" from the soundtrack to Silent Hill 4: The Room were both constructed from the same sample pack, "Distorted Reality 1" by Spectrasonics Virtual Instruments. You can hear two samples used to make "Resting Comfortably", called "LOST HORIZON" and "TALK BOX BEATS", while listening to "Camp Chilly Wa-Wa (Day 4)".
The Pink Panther's Passport to Peril - "Camp Chilly Wa-Wa (Day 4)":
Silent Hill 4: The Room - "Resting Comfortably":
Silent Hill 4 sample comparison (features "LOST HORIZON"):
Spectrasonics Distorted Reality 1 (YouTube link to "TALK BOX BEATS"):
Silent Hill 4: The Room - "Resting Comfortably":
Silent Hill 4 sample comparison (features "LOST HORIZON"):
Spectrasonics Distorted Reality 1 (YouTube link to "TALK BOX BEATS"):
The game started out as a diffrent game called "Room 302." It is unknown what was changed and when the change was made, but it is believed that the Silent Hill name was added to make sure it would sell.

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