On the first round of Planet Sonata, after delivering the last metronome to the bird robot, if you sit and wait for nearly a minute before going to the boss, a rendition of the nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb" will start playing.
The Japanese version had seven additional passwords that were taken out of the international versions:
• AAAAAA: Gives infinite continues.
• CANDY: Disables collision damage.
• FEEL: Enables invincibility, true sight, and stage select.
• MACCHA: Changes the color of Greedy's Castle from brown to green. The word "matcha" or "maccha" means "powdered green tea" in Japanese.
• MASTER: A simple text saying "PLEASE WAIT FOR NEXT STORY THANK YOU..." appears on the password screen. Nothing else happens.
• STAR: A shooting star flies in from the top-left corner of the screen to the bottom-right corner on the password screen.
• VALDI: Jumps to an interactive version of the Valdi star system seen in the credits.
• AAAAAA: Gives infinite continues.
• CANDY: Disables collision damage.
• FEEL: Enables invincibility, true sight, and stage select.
• MACCHA: Changes the color of Greedy's Castle from brown to green. The word "matcha" or "maccha" means "powdered green tea" in Japanese.
• MASTER: A simple text saying "PLEASE WAIT FOR NEXT STORY THANK YOU..." appears on the password screen. Nothing else happens.
• STAR: A shooting star flies in from the top-left corner of the screen to the bottom-right corner on the password screen.
• VALDI: Jumps to an interactive version of the Valdi star system seen in the credits.


According to Akira Nishino, there were plans to make a sequel to Ristar. They got as far as making character designs, but it was never developed further for various reasons, and was eventually dropped.

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