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In May 2013, the fansite PokéBeach published an article containing multiple then-unknown details about Pokémon X and Y after two issues of the Japanese manga magazine CoroCoro Comic confirmed information about the game that had been disclosed to them by their source in February. Upon the game's release, all but one piece of leaked information was confirmed to be true, the exception claiming that the professor's name would be "Patrice", when his named ended up being "Sycamore". In the 2024 Game Freak Teraleak, it would be discovered in a prototype that Patrice was indeed Sycamore's development name.
Centro Leaks tweet:
Prototype footage:
Original PokéBeach article:
Prototype footage:
Original PokéBeach article:
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In the Battle Mansion, the player can fight against a Beauty trainer. After beating her in the English version, her response is "Yes, a mere half year ago I was a Black Belt! Quite the transformation, wouldn't you say?". In the Japanese version, her response is translated as "I was a Karate King a half year ago: the power of medical science is awesome wouldn't you say?!".
Whilst differently portrayed, both versions hint that the Beauty trainer is transgender (black belt is a male-specific trainer class; same for Karate King in Japanese).
Whilst differently portrayed, both versions hint that the Beauty trainer is transgender (black belt is a male-specific trainer class; same for Karate King in Japanese).
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The names of Helioptile and Heliolisk seem to stem from Greek mythology. 'Helios' is an ancient Greek titan who is the personification of the sun. Helioptile's Pokemon X's Pokedex entry states that it basks in the sun to get energy, strengthening this connection.
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X & Y is the first Pokémon generation to add less than 100 new Pokémon (not including Mega Evolutions).
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The reason for the special Torchic Mystery Gift at launch was likely due to the fact that Junichi Masuda's favorite Pokemon is Torchic.
I'm a huge fan of Torchic. I don't know if you saw the intro movie of Pokémon X & Y, but I really pushed to get Torchic in there because its one of my favorite Pokémon. And even back with the Game Boy Advance SP, when Nintendo was making that, I actually made a request to them to make a Torchic-colored Game Boy Advanced SP." - Pokemon X&Y Director Junichi Masuda
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According to a tourist in one of the hotels in the game, the sixth gym leader, Valerie, is originally from Johto. Given how Valerie also wears a kimono and that her strongest Pokémon is Sylveon, a Pokémon which evolves from Eevee, it's possible that she is related to the Kimono Girls from Pokémon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver versions. The Kimono Girls are a group from Ecruteak City in the Johto region who each specialise in Pokémon evolving from Eevee and are always seen wearing kimonos.
Latios and Latias were found to have Mega Evolutions in Pokémon X and Y before these forms were officially introduced in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
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There are several pieces of dialogue in the game that reference the 3rd Generation games, Ruby and Sapphire. It's thought these pieces of dialogue were references to the 3DS Remakes: Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
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Some time after X and Y's release - and even after the release of the game's official soundtrack - a re-mastered version of the World Champions theme from Pokémon Black and White was discovered in the game's data and decrypted by the Pokémon community.
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Within the game's files exists three unused sound effects which are all copies of the Pokémon Center's healing machine sound effect. It's thought they were used for testing player-related sound effects during development.
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When battling Mewtwo, Articuno, Moltres, or Zapdos in the wild, a remix of the wild battle theme from Pokemon Red & Blue will play. The remix includes 8-bit portions of the song, seemingly taken directly from Red and Blue.
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subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon X (Game)
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon X (Game)
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon X (Game)
There is a Pokémon Ranger that will ask the player to join Pokémon Ranger team, saying that they could be the Blue Ranger. This is thought to refer to the Power Rangers, an American TV series that takes much of its footage from the Japanese tokusatsu Super Sentai. The characters are superheroes called "Rangers" who fight in color-coded outfits.
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An NPC in the game questions the appearance of a Mega Pokemon, asking, "do you think all Mega Pokemon have spiky hair?" This is a reference to the Super Saiyan transformation in the Dragon Ball series.
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