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subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Sapphire Version (Game)
There are 2 unused abilities. No Ability and Cacophony.
No Ability is presumed to be an error handler, and is used when the game manages to find a Pokémon with an ability of ID set to 00. The term isn't used in the final game because all Pokémon were given abilities.
Cacophony is an ability similar to Soundproof, which isn't assigned any Pokémon in the game. It's assumed it was meant to be the ability for Whismur, Loudred, and Exploud, given their nature for noise-based attacks.
No Ability is presumed to be an error handler, and is used when the game manages to find a Pokémon with an ability of ID set to 00. The term isn't used in the final game because all Pokémon were given abilities.
Cacophony is an ability similar to Soundproof, which isn't assigned any Pokémon in the game. It's assumed it was meant to be the ability for Whismur, Loudred, and Exploud, given their nature for noise-based attacks.
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subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Sapphire Version (Game)
Two of the optional male names at the start of the game (one in Ruby and one in Sapphire) refer to "land" and "sea" respectively. In the English version, these are Landon and Sean; in the Japanese version, リクヤ Rikuya and カイト Kaito (陸 riku means land and 海 kai means sea). This is also the case in other languages.
When playing as a female, two other optional names are also available: Terra and Marina.
When playing as a female, two other optional names are also available: Terra and Marina.
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subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Sapphire Version (Game)
Ruby and Sapphire were the first Pokemon games to introduce Abilities. These introduced new strategies for Pokemon battles. Some examples include Levitate, which makes the Pokemon immune to Ground moves, and Vital Spirit, which prevents sleep.
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The map was originally used in the Pokémon Festa 2002 demo to limit the player's experience of the game. It was later removed from gameplay in the final version, but still exists within the code.
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subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Sapphire Version (Game)

subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Sapphire Version (Game)
Generation III introduced a new attack specific to the Pikachu evolution line called Volt Tackle. In the Japanese version of the game, Volt Tackle is known as Volteccer.
Volteccer is the name of an attack used by Pulseman, the protagonist of a self-titled Sega Mega Drive game developed by Game Freak in 1994.
Volteccer is the name of an attack used by Pulseman, the protagonist of a self-titled Sega Mega Drive game developed by Game Freak in 1994.
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