Within the data for Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum is code to spawn in a Level 40 Darkrai as a roaming Pokémon, tying in with its nature as a malevolent counterpart to Cresselia (which similarly becomes a roaming Pokémon after meeting the player on Fullmoon Island). In the final game, Darkrai is instead encountered as a stationary opponent at Newmoon Island after obtaining the Member Card as a Mystery Gift item at select in-person events.
The Cutting Room Floor article for Pokémon Diamond and Pearl:
The Cutting Room Floor article for Pokémon Platinum:
YouTube video showing the unused roaming Darkrai in action:
The Cutting Room Floor article for Pokémon Platinum:
YouTube video showing the unused roaming Darkrai in action:
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The music for the Hall of Origin and the battle against Arceus, which are carried over from Diamond and Pearl, go unused here too, but the latter song would be reused for the Sinjoh Ruins event in Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver, where players can obtain a Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina if they have an Arceus at the front of their party. This event additionally contains code allowing it to be triggered by an Arceus from the Hall of Origin, indicating that Game Freak still considered distributing the Azure Flute this late into Generation IV. Spoiler:The Azure Flute and Hall of Origin would eventually be implemented in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, where players can access both if they import Pokémon Legends: Arceus save data after catching Arceus there.
In Platinum and HeartGold & SoulSilver, Bidoof's gender difference has more to it than in any other game. In Diamond & Pearl and every future game after HG/SS, Bidoof's gender difference is that the male has an additional 2 curls on the tail. However in these 3 games, Bidoof's patch of white around the face has a more pronounced bump in between the eyes on the male, with a more flattened bump on the female. Whether this is intentional or not is unknown, but due to the fact it was fixed later in Generation V, it's safe to assume this was a mistake.

Lilycove City's theme (from Ruby and Sapphire) can be found in Pokemon Platinum. It is played on the Audio System that can be obtained at the Villa in the Resort Area.
The European versions of the game have 'Game Machines' rather than slot machines. As playing slot machines is needed to obtain TM64, the European versions of Platinum will occasionally reward the player with the TM while talking to the Game Corner's receptionist. The reason for this change comes from implementation of more aggressive and strict legislation in the European Union towards gambling.


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