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PC Gamer article:
Nintendo Life article:
My Nintendo News article:
TheGamer article:
PennLive article:
Forbes articles:
Link to the leaked scrapped Sinnoh myths (in Japanese):
The Cutting Room Floor article featuring English translations of the myths:
Veilstone's Myth and other Sinnoh myths:'s_Myth
Canadian indigenous myth of the Bear Mother:
The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife:
Nintendo Life article:
My Nintendo News article:
TheGamer article:
PennLive article:
Forbes articles:
Link to the leaked scrapped Sinnoh myths (in Japanese):
The Cutting Room Floor article featuring English translations of the myths:
Veilstone's Myth and other Sinnoh myths:'s_Myth
Canadian indigenous myth of the Bear Mother:
The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife:
Within the data for Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum is code to spawn in a Level 40 Darkrai as a roaming Pokémon, tying in with its nature as a malevolent counterpart to Cresselia (which similarly becomes a roaming Pokémon after meeting the player on Fullmoon Island). In the final game, Darkrai is instead encountered as a stationary opponent at Newmoon Island after obtaining the Member Card as a Mystery Gift item at select in-person events.
The Cutting Room Floor article for Pokémon Diamond and Pearl:émon_Diamond_and_Pearl#Unused_Roaming_Darkrai
The Cutting Room Floor article for Pokémon Platinum:émon_Platinum#Unused_Roaming_Darkrai
YouTube video showing the unused roaming Darkrai in action:émon_Diamond_and_Pearl#Unused_Roaming_Darkrai
The Cutting Room Floor article for Pokémon Platinum:émon_Platinum#Unused_Roaming_Darkrai
YouTube video showing the unused roaming Darkrai in action:
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Diamond Version (Game)

The Azure Flute was intended as an event item to be given out to players, much like the Event Card and Oak's Letter (which allow the player to fight Darkrai and Shaymin, respectively). However, Game Freak scrapped the idea upon concluding that it would be too confusing for players. Instead, Arceus was directly given out at events.
Arceus' battle theme would later be used for the Sinjoh Ruins event in Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver where players can obtain a Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina if they have an Arceus as the first Pokémon in their party. This event additionally contains code allowing it to be triggered by an Arceus from the Hall of Origin, indicating that Game Freak still considered distributing the Azure Flute this late into Generation IV. Spoiler:The Azure Flute item and its corresponding event would eventually be implemented in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, where players can access both by importing save data from Pokémon Legends: Arceus after catching Arceus there.
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Diamond Version (Game)
There are certain days coded into the game's files that alter Pokemon spawn rates.
On August 6th, August 9th and September 11th, Pokemon are 10% less likely to spawn in the wild. These dates coincide with the atomic bombings on Japan, and the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States.
On certain major holidays such as Christmas, New Years and Culture Day (November 3rd in Japan), Pokemon are 5% less likely to spawn in the wild possibly to discourage gameplay during holidays.
33 other holiday dates were found to have a 5% increase in wild Pokemon spawns, such as St. Patrick's Day (March 17th), Independence Day (July 4th in the United States), Bank Holiday (August 28th in the UK) and Christmas Eve (December 24th).
On August 6th, August 9th and September 11th, Pokemon are 10% less likely to spawn in the wild. These dates coincide with the atomic bombings on Japan, and the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States.
On certain major holidays such as Christmas, New Years and Culture Day (November 3rd in Japan), Pokemon are 5% less likely to spawn in the wild possibly to discourage gameplay during holidays.
33 other holiday dates were found to have a 5% increase in wild Pokemon spawns, such as St. Patrick's Day (March 17th), Independence Day (July 4th in the United States), Bank Holiday (August 28th in the UK) and Christmas Eve (December 24th).
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Diamond Version (Game)
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Diamond Version (Game)
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl contain many references to Internet memes and chatspeak. This is possibly because the lead translator, Nob Ogasawara, is a member of the Something Awful Forums.
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Diamond Version (Game)
On the back cover of the Australian version of Pokémon Diamond, it states:
" you search for the Pokémon that rules space in Pokémon Diamond Version."
This is an error, as the legendary Pokémon of Pokémon Diamond is Dialga, who has the power to control time. This mistake is not present on the box art of other regions.
" you search for the Pokémon that rules space in Pokémon Diamond Version."
This is an error, as the legendary Pokémon of Pokémon Diamond is Dialga, who has the power to control time. This mistake is not present on the box art of other regions.
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Diamond Version (Game)

subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Diamond Version (Game)
When the total play time counter reaches 999:00, it skips over to 999:59 as a result of a glitch, thereby skipping nearly an entire hour in the counter.
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Diamond Version (Game)
On the Meister's Island, if the player trades away Finneon the player would be stranded if the player does not have or is unable to obtain a Pokémon that can transport the player.
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Diamond Version (Game)
When fighting Barry on route 203, he will say "Don't get cocky, kid! This isn't over yet!", a likely reference to Star Wars' Han Solo, who says something similar to Luke Skywalker.
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Diamond Version (Game)

subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Diamond Version (Game)
The title screen music for Pokemon Ruby, Saphire, and Emerald can be found in the code for Diamond and Pearl. It is labeled "MIDI HEX 0003" and was likely used for testing purposes during development.
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Diamond Version (Game)

These items and descriptions are as follows:
Park Ball - Captures Pal Park-transfered Pokémon without fail (obtainable in game but only in Pal Park)
Cherish Ball - Normal chance of catching a Pokémon (Pokemon received from official distributions come in this ball)
Boat Ticket - Ticket for the Luxury Liner SS Anne
Contest Pass - Allows entry into Pokémon Contests
Magma Rock - Mystical item that maintains the Stark Mountain's volcanic activity
Red Chain - A mythical item created by the Sinnoh Legendary Trio to awaken Dialga/Palkia
Rule Book - User's guide to online trading
Seal Sack - Holds up to 10 Seals
Treasure Sack - Holds treasures found Underground
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Diamond Version (Game)
Within Route 218, inside one of the hallway type buildings, there is a guard who will tell you how thirsty he is. However, bringing him a drink of any kind won't do anything.
This is a reference to the original games, Red/Blue/Green/Yellow, in which the player must bring the guards a drink to enter Saffron City.
This is a reference to the original games, Red/Blue/Green/Yellow, in which the player must bring the guards a drink to enter Saffron City.
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Diamond Version (Game)
On January 12th (Director Junichi Masuda of GameFreak's birthday), Fly up to Snowpoint City and instead of the usual flurry snow storm, there will be glittery diamond snow. There are also a number of other dates that this Diamond Dust can be seen.
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