Attachment In the English dub, at the end of a possible Mementos conversation in the Path of Da'at, Ryuji makes a coughing sound. Max Mittelman, Ryuji's voice actor, explained on a livestream that he did not remember exactly why he made that sound, but that it was likely because he was almost out of breath. Since the sound is not typed out in the game's text, it was presumably left in by mistake.
person AppeltaartVrouw calendar_month January 10, 2025
The opening scene in the interrogation room was originally supposed to be darker. In the released version, the police detectives only gave Joker a couple of shots of a sleeping drug and beat him up. An unused cutscene found in Persona 5 Royal shows a tray of some kind which implies that the police detectives brutally tortured him.
Shujin's psychiatrist Dr. Takuto Maruki is introduced during the month of May and is always offering snacks to anyone that visits him. The protagonist can even obtain some healing items when he visits him during certain ranks. This is probably due to Spoiler:how he visited Rumi in the hospital empty-handed after her traumatic experience where a burglar broke into her home and murdered her parents. Maruki then tries to have snacks on hand to give to students in an effort to remember her.
On August 8th, 2020, an unused cutscene was discovered in the Chinese release of the game which was soon translated and uploaded to YouTube. The cutscene shows Goro Akechi Spoiler:in a rehabilitation center after the events of the game. This implies that he was able to escape from Shido's palace before his shadow self could kill him and turned himself into authorities.

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