Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
November 17, 2004
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EVA's English voice actress in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker was credited under the name Suzetta Miñet. Fans widely assumed that this was a pseudonym as she had no other credits in anything, which sparked years of speculation as to who she could be. One of the most leading theories was that EVA was voiced by Debi Mae West, the voice of Meryl in Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. However, while West acknowledged that the characters sounded similar, she denied she was the voice of EVA in 2015. Konami would eventually confirm in a 2024 behind-the-scenes video promoting Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater that the pseudonym belonged to Jodi Benson, who was best known for voicing Ariel in Disney's 1989 adaptation of "The Little Mermaid". Benson explained that she used the pseudonym at the recommendation of the game's English voice director Kris Zimmerman Salter, because of her association with Disney and other family-friendly roles aimed towards younger audiences at the time. The name itself was based on a pet dog Benson owned in her childhood named "Suzette Monet".
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month November 6, 2024
Hideo Kojima originally wanted to use actor Kurt Russell, who portrayed the character Snake Plissken in the action films "Escape from New York" and "Escape from L.A.", as the voice of Naked Snake instead of voice actor David Hayter, who had previously played the role of Snake in Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2. After Russell turned the role down, Hayter stated in a 2016 Game Informer interview he was given the part only after re-auditioning for the role:

"I had to re-audition for Metal Gear 3 to play Naked Snake...I heard that Kojima asked one of the producers on Metal Gear 3 to ask Kurt Russell if he would take over for that game. He didn't want to do it."

The reason Hayter revealed this information at all was because of Kojima replacing him with Kiefer Sutherland as the voice of Snake in Metal Gear Solid V.

Russell revealed in a 2024 interview with GQ that the role was one of many throughout his acting career that he turned down because he did not want to financially or creatively expand off of previously-established characters created by different people for a completely different project, in this case, imitating Snake Plissken through Naked Snake:

"You got to understand that from my point of view, whether it's Elvis, or Snake Plissken, or Jack Burton, or R.J. MacReady, that was that project, that was that thing, you get into that mindset, you create that, you wanna make that world happen. [...] You don't just slide in and out of Elvis, you go to work on it, you refine it, and then you do it, and you get paid for that. I come from a different era. I wasn't interested in expanding financially off of something that we had created or that I had created in terms of a character. And I get business people, sure: "Oh, we could do this with that, we could do this with that, or we could do this with that." You know, and I look at it and I go "That's not written by John [Carpenter]. That doesn't smell right, John's not here to do this with, [...] I'm not gonna do that." Let's go do something new. Let's go do something fresh. Let's go create another iconic character rather than saying "What can we bleed off of this iconic character?" you know? You don't look at them as iconic characters, I mean like, you refer to them as that if they become that, [...] you're on a day-to-day, running it, having a good time and trying to make it work."
person Pogue-Mahone calendar_month March 30, 2016
Attachment On the second floor of Graniny Gorki, there is a library/desk room on the west side of the wall that features three notable paintings and a magazine. The paintings are Spoiler:"Salvation." and "Promise." which depict God, and "St. Alessa Gillespie: Mother of God, Daughter of God.", and are taken from the Church from Silent Hill 3. There is a fourth painting in the room depicting the head of a woman, but it's not known where it originates from. The magazine can be found on the desk towards the back of the room, and is a copy of the May 2004 issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly promoting the game on the cover.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month November 5, 2024
In the HD rerelease of the game, during the opening cutscene before Snake performs the HALO jump, his mask reads:
snake eater"
Spoiler:When in Rassvet during the Virtuous Mission, if the player shoots bullets through the windows or the trapdoor (reached by crawling underneath) in the house Nikolai Stepanovich Sokolov is being kept in, he'll cry out, "Please stop!" If a grenade is thrown through the window, Sokolov will be killed, causing a Time Paradox. Throwing a snake into the room causes Sokolov to say, "Get it off me!" two times. If the player tries to enter Sokolov's room wearing the Raikov mask, Major Zero will call them and demand they take it off, just because Sokolov "won't like it."
Spoiler:During the torture scene with Volgin in Groznyj Grad, holding L2 as he says, "Well then, let's get started..." will prevent the player taking any damage.
If the player spends a long time in Spoiler:the cave after the fight with Ocelot, the screen will gradually become lighter, simulating the effect of Snake's eyes adjusting to the dark.
Attachment In the scene where Snake talks with Granin, a slow guitar-only version of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty's main theme will play. There's also figurines of Metal Gear Ray and Rex in the room.
It is possible to blow up food stores using TNT. Blowing up food stores will make all the soldiers in the area complain about being hungry with audible stomach growls, causing them to eat anything Snake throws at them, including poison.
A statue of Jehuty can be found in Granin's office. Jehuty is the Orbital Frame piloted by the main characters of both Zone of the Enders and Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner, which were also created by Kojima Studios.
Attachment In Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, the Tsuchinoko is an invisible snake that is undetectable by Radar and Thermal Goggles. Capturing and keeping it until the end of the game unlocks a special face camo that gives the player unlimited ammo on their next play-through.

The Tsuchinoko (ツチノコ) is a legendary snake-like cryptid from Japan. The name tsuchinoko is prevalent in Western Japan, including Kansai and Shikoku; the creature is known as bachi hebi in Northeastern Japan.
Attachment Early in the game, the scene where The Boss and Naked Snake are seen reaching out to each other from the Hind chopper and on the ground respectively was originally going to be different. According to Hideo Kojima in the MGS3 commentary, this scene was originally going to have The Boss release her bandana to the wind for Snake to catch, which he'd then use as a sling. However, the scene was changed because one of the motion capture actors requested that they change when Snake acquired the bandana to when The Boss throws him down into the river prior to this scene.
If EVA's HP reaches more than half and she doesn't have any serious non-story related injuries by the time they reach Zaozyorje East, checking EVA in the model viewer will have her wearing her black bikini instead of her biker outfit.
Attachment Director Hideo Kojima revealed in a Metal Gear Solid 3 commentary that The Boss was designed based on actress Charlotte Rampling.
If the player doesn't remove the transmitter from Snake after his torture session in Groznyj Grad, the path to the waterfall will be guarded by an Ocelot Unit. Later on, past the waterfall, an additional cutscene will be triggered, in which EVA removes the transmitter herself.
Because of the nature of his boss fight, The End is the only boss in the game that has no boss battle theme.
Attachment According to a commentary by Kojima, the boss battle with The Boss originally had her wearing shooting goggles to hide her tears. In addition, she was also originally to have worn a blue sneaking suit, similar to that of Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid, so as to make her more visible. These concepts were both cut in the end.
According to Hideo Kojima, during the filming of The Boss' fight with Naked Snake at Dremuchij North during Operation Snake Eater, Eriko Hirata, The Boss' motion capture actress, started breaking into tears, as she had read the script and thus already knew about The Boss' ultimate fate.
Attachment The Boss's personal data (accessed via the radio during the Virtuous Mission) states that her hair is brownish gray, though her in-game character model actually has blond hair.
A voice casting sheet for Metal Gear Solid 3, which was leaked prior to E3 2004, stated that The Boss was a Green Beret and Navy SEAL, and that she was of British descent. These details were never mentioned in-game.
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