
Kentrosaurus article on JPOG Archive fan site:
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Prima Official Guide (Pages 56-57 in the guidebook):
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Prima Official Guide (Pages 56-57 in the guidebook):

•Hotels, which would provide extra accommodation for guests.
•Dino-Vet Station, which would have been vital for keeping dinosaurs healthy.
•Hunting Platforms, which would let visitors hunt down carnivores in the park from afar.
The Dino-Vet Station can be found in earlier promotional material for Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis and also within its game files. Likewise with the Hunting Platform, which also still has Audio, Ini and even Rig Files within the game.
Developer interview about JPOG post release:
Article on the Hunting Platform on JPOG Archive fan site:
Article on the Dino-Vet Station on JPOG Archive fan site:
Article on the Hunting Platform on JPOG Archive fan site:
Article on the Dino-Vet Station on JPOG Archive fan site:

JPOG development timeline:
Jurassic Park Operation Genesis E3 trailer where it's simply called "Jurassic Park The Game":
JPOG developer interview from when it was still called "Jurassic Park: Project Genesis":
Jurassic Park Operation Genesis E3 trailer where it's simply called "Jurassic Park The Game":
JPOG developer interview from when it was still called "Jurassic Park: Project Genesis":

At the time of its release, Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis had managed to include nearly every on-screen prehistoric species found in the movies released up to that point ("Jurassic Park", "The Lost World: Jurassic Park" and "Jurassic Park III"), with only three notable exceptions:
•Pteranodon (featured in "The Lost World: Jurassic Park" and "Jurassic Park III")
•Compsognathus (featured in "The Lost World: Jurassic Park" and "Jurassic Park III")
•Mamenchisaurus (featured in "The Lost World: Jurassic Park")
Of these, the developers had mentioned they wanted to include flying reptiles earlier on in development but had to scrap them. In regards to Compsognathus, it was reportedly ruled out due to making gameplay difficult, because of their small size making them hard for players to see.
•Pteranodon (featured in "The Lost World: Jurassic Park" and "Jurassic Park III")
•Compsognathus (featured in "The Lost World: Jurassic Park" and "Jurassic Park III")
•Mamenchisaurus (featured in "The Lost World: Jurassic Park")
Of these, the developers had mentioned they wanted to include flying reptiles earlier on in development but had to scrap them. In regards to Compsognathus, it was reportedly ruled out due to making gameplay difficult, because of their small size making them hard for players to see.
The "Constant.ini" file found within this game's files mention a whole slew of additional dinosaurs not found in the final game, lining up with how the developers mentioned in an interview how they initially planned on including more species beyond the 25 included in the final product:
Interestingly, out of this batch, the Iquanodon is the only dinosaur to have any more data pertaining to it with its own "Iguan.ini" file, which makes it the only cut species with a known Length (Aprox. 9 Meters Long), Health (500), Life Span (4 Years and 6 Months), and Herd Size (1-15 Individuals). It also had a known attack damage (150), which would have it made it the strongest Ornithopod in the game had it been included.
Interestingly, out of this batch, the Iquanodon is the only dinosaur to have any more data pertaining to it with its own "Iguan.ini" file, which makes it the only cut species with a known Length (Aprox. 9 Meters Long), Health (500), Life Span (4 Years and 6 Months), and Herd Size (1-15 Individuals). It also had a known attack damage (150), which would have it made it the strongest Ornithopod in the game had it been included.
List of known cut JPOG species:
JPOG Archive article on Iquanodon:
JPOG Archive article on Iquanodon:


The development team for this game experimented with baby dinosaurs midway through the project, attempting to use schemes such as scaling the adult dinosaurs down to make them infants. The team realized that this didn't look right and that making proper infant dinosaurs would require new models and AI, which would be similar to the work required for adding more dinosaur species. As a result, baby dinosaurs were dropped, along with any ideas for a "Dino Petting Zoo".
The final version of Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis includes only 25 dinosaur species. However, the development team had originally hoped to include 40 species very early on, with many of them implied to be sea-dwelling and flying creatures. Ultimately, this was whittled down to the 25 dinosaurs seen in the final game due to time constraints, and also the developers wanting to focus on creating fewer, but more interesting dinosaurs, as opposed to a larger number of less interesting dinosaurs. As such, they decided to make the dinosaurs they had count and focus on species that players would recognize from the films.
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