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Chex Quest was based on the engine of Doom. The engine could be officially licensed thanks to the game technically not making a profit of its own as a free game, only profit for the food company General Mills, and the release of Quake rendering the old Doom engine obsolete.
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The game began development as a tie-in game based on the Alien franchise. However, because id Software wanted total creative control, negotiations with 20th Century Fox fell through. Instead, they took influences from the movie, as well as the Evil Dead franchise for the Chainsaw and Shotgun weapons, and dropped the use of aliens in favor of a "demons from Hell on Mars" theme.
The first level in Doom was actually created last. This is because John Romero wanted experience in level designing so he could make the first level his best.
The idea to use demons as enemies came from a Dungeons & Dragons campaign played by some of the developers, in which the game ended with demons spawning from a portal and overflowing the world.
Episode 1, Mission 4 (Command Control) changed between different versions of the game. In the initial release version (1.0), the map contained a Swastika-shaped arrangement of computers, in a reference to Wolfenstein 3D, an earlier id Software game. This was later changed in version 1.4, the "final" version.
In the PlayStation, 3DO, Atari Jaguar and Saturn versions of the game, the "I'm Too Young to Die" skill level is replaced with "I'm A Wimp".
Despite always going by the name "Doomguy" or just "The Marine" since he was never named in the games, the protagonist got a name in the novelization of the series as Flynn "Fly" Taggart.

"Yes, [in Commander Keen 5] there is a swastika in one of the levels, one of my levels to be exact, but I removed it shortly after the game was released because people were upset that an evil symbol was in a cute kid's game. It was a premonition of things to come, namely, Wolfenstein 3D. I also put a swastika in Doom's E1M4 as a Wolf3D reference, but I changed it later for the exact same reason."

A number of source ports fix this behaviour, allowing the Ouch face to display as originally intended.
The Cyberdemon lost his arm and leg during a fight against BJ Blazskovicz, the hero from the Wolfenstein series, during the events of Wolfenstein RPG.

According to John Carmack, the name Doom comes from a line in the movie 'The Color of Money'. In the movie, Vincent Lauria (played by Tom Cruse) shows up at a pool hall with a custom pool cue in a case. "What do you have in there?" someone asks. Vincent replies "Doom." with a cocky grin.
In 1995, it was estimated that Doom was installed on to more computers than Microsoft's own Windows 95. This led Bill Gates to briefly consider buying id Software, so they could have the rights to the Doom name. This also led to the development of a Windows 95 port of the game to promote the operating system as a gaming platform.
The title of the fourth episode of Ultimate DOOM "Thy Flesh Consumed" as well as the level names are derived from the King James Bible.
Doom has actually been made to run on graphing calculators, though it only runs for a short time before the batteries are completely drained.
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