The character most commonly known as Snuggly the Crow or Sparkly the Crow is not a crow at all. She is actually a hawk named Hawk Girl and the more common names were actually created and propagated by fans.
Lost Izalith was originally going to be a swampy area like the bottom of Blighttown. However, FromSoftware didn't want it to be a swamp and so it was redesigned to be a lava field, but the team couldn't completely redesign the place the way they wanted to due to time constraints.
There are eight Titanite Demons in Dark Souls, but the one on the bridge connecting the Demon Ruins to Lost Izalith is the only one that respawns due to a typo in that Titanite Demon's event ID. However, it's unknown if this was an accident or a deliberate typo to remove a limit from upgrading weapons.
Every environmental object in Dark Souls has an associated damage and health value, with breakable objects having a defense value of 0, 3, 90, 199, or 999 and unbreakable objects having an HP of -1. The player is only capable of destroying objects with defense values of either 0 or 3 such as boxes or tables while certain objects like the breakable wall at Sen’s Fortress, or the raised platform above the Asylum Demon at the beginning of the game, have higher defense values and can only be destroyed by enemies or hazards.
The Artorias of the Abyss DLC for Dark Souls was notoriously convoluted to access for newer players, requiring them to quit and reload their game in a cove at Darkroot Basin behind the Hydra boss to even start the sequence to get to the DLC levels. However, returning players had a better idea of how to access the DLC before it released by discerning the location where the levels are accessed through the DLC’s trailer and certain NPC dialogue.
The decision to add pigtails as a selectable female hairstyle in Dark Souls was the last request by a female graphic artist in the development team who had to leave due to an illness.
Translated interview:
Podcast episode with Dark Souls developer interview:
Reddit source for translations and podcast link:
Podcast episode with Dark Souls developer interview:
Reddit source for translations and podcast link:

Translated interview:
Podcast episode with Dark Souls developer interview:
Reddit source for translations and podcast link:
Attached image source:
Podcast episode with Dark Souls developer interview:
Reddit source for translations and podcast link:
Attached image source:
During the development of Dark Souls, a popular tactic among the development team to go past Blighttown's Blowdart Sniper enemies (who can inflict the player with Toxic, a poison effect that gradually reduces the player's health) was to use the Dung Pie item to inflict Toxic on yourself already. This is because the Toxic effect from Dung Pies are much milder and the Toxic effect in general does not stack. This was not intended, but was kept in because they felt it added extra depth to the game.
Translated interview:
Podcast episode with Dark Souls developer interview:
Reddit source for translations and podcast link:
Podcast episode with Dark Souls developer interview:
Reddit source for translations and podcast link:

Gwynevere's extremely large breasts were added by the artist who designed her, who was reportedly so proud of his work that despite Miyazaki's standards, he did not have the heart to tell him to change the design.
Miyazaki also originally wanted to include a mouth on Gwynevere's palm and created animations for it, but this element was scrapped from her design.

There was originally a levelling system that allowed players to sacrifice their stats to restore their humanity. Each stat reduction would give the player four soft-Humanities each, with the limit being the base stats the player started the game with. The actual soul-level of the player does not reduce, possibly due to the system not being complete. However, the player could increase their stats without their soul-level increasing, up to the point of how many stat-levels they sacrificed. This would have made it a functional "Respec System", which would have allowed players to Reallocate their stats, albeit slowly.
Amongst all the hollow-corpses strewn across the game, there are only ten female hollow-corpses to be found. Nine of the ten bodies each refer to specific characters, some of them being summonable White Phantoms, four of them being Fire Keepers, and only one unknown female who is found holding Twin Humanities on their body in the Lower Undead Burg.
In the Artorias of the Abyss DLC, there is an NPC named "Marvelous Chester" in The Royal Woods. Like the chosen undead, Chester was pulled from his time period by Manus. Chester vaguely describes his era as Gothic/Victorian, his clothing also appears to be attire from the 19th century.
The character may have been included as a small hint as to what was coming up in Bloodborne.
The character may have been included as a small hint as to what was coming up in Bloodborne.


The final design began to take shape when Satake and Miyazaki began to talk about the Trial of 77 Rings from the manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, in which two characters had to earn their knighthood by defeating other combatants and wearing the rings they had on them onto their body, collecting a total of 77 of them. Miyazaki and Satake both liked the concept and decided to see what it would look like if the rings also had thorns on them.

His previous role as a guard of a door wasn't completely scrapped however, as he does hold the Crest of Artorias, which is needed to unlock the door to Darkroot Garden.
Knight Artorias (aka Artorias the Abysswalker) has cut dialogue found in the Artorias of the Abyss DLC. The cut dialogue implies he is not actually human himself and was slowly losing control over his own body and mind to the corruption of the Abyss, telling the player to stay away for their own good. In the final version of the game Spoiler:Artorias had already been completely overwhelmed by the Abyss, having no dialogue whatsoever.
Using the Wrath of God and Force miracles, it is possible to deflect projectile spells and arrows if timed correctly. This can also be applied to deflect the bombs thrown by the Giant near the top of Sen's Fortress.

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