subdirectory_arrow_right Kero Blaster (Game), Nicalis, Inc. (Company), Cave Story (Collection)
Since 2009, all re-releases of Cave Story were developed and published by Nicalis as part of a deal with its creator Pixel to help distribute it to a wider audience. In 2019, Nicalis founder Tyrone Rodriguez came under fire after the outlet Kotaku published an exposé detailing exploitative and offensive behavior towards other game developers, which he since apologized for. While not mentioned in the article, this controversy reignited rumors about Rodriguez' relationship with Pixel and the extent of Nicalis handling his game.

The most widespread and inconclusive rumor alleges that Rodriguez tricked Pixel into signing away his ownership of the rights to Cave Story. The evidence for this is inconsistent copyright credits between different versions of the game, as well as a controversy in 2020 when Nicalis issued copyright takedowns to a decompiled fan project based on the source code of the original freeware version, claiming it was never made open source. Fans pointed out the freeware version is still available for free on Pixel's website, putting Nicalis' ownership into question. However, the exposé's author Jason Schreier stated that he could not corroborate this rumor because he received no comment about it from Pixel or Nicalis when emailed. Nicalis were originally planning to publish another game by Pixel, Kero Blaster, but it was instead published by PLAYISM for unknown reasons. Some theorized that the game's plot was a negative commentary about working with Nicalis, but when asked, Pixel declined to elaborate and left it open to interpretation. Pixel also included Rodriguez as a Special Thanks credit in the game, and activity on both of their social media accounts indicate they are still friends in real-life. Despite expressing on multiple occasions that he does not want to make a sequel to Cave Story, a prequel spin-off game was released in 2021, Cave Story's Secret Santa. While primarily developed by Nicalis, Pixel was said to have put "cute little touches" on the game during development and helped promote it through interviews. Pixel had continued involvement with Nicalis as recently as the game's 20th anniversary, and both he and Rodriguez confirmed that Pixel still receives royalties from their ports.

Of the other rumors that spawned from this controversy, the only one that remains true is Nicalis' continued lack of support for the Steam version of Cave Story, which has only received two known bug fixes since its release in 2011, while future ports came with more bug fixes, bonus content, and quality-of-life features. Another rumor that Nicalis stole fan-made mods and used them as bonus content in their ports was shown to be false. The creator of the Nemesis Challenge and Sanctuary Time Attack modes, as well as the creator of the Boss Rush mode according to a forum moderator who would later go on to work for Nicalis, confirmed that they had willingly submitted this content and gave permission to use them in official releases.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month February 6, 2025
PC freeware title screen and Studio Pixel download link:




Nintendo 3DS:

Cave Story 3D:

Nintendo Switch:

Epic Games Store:

Cave Story Engine 2 takedown articles and original request:

Cave Story Tribute Site blurb about Cave Story's Secret Santa:

Pixel video promoting Cave Story's Secret Santa:

20th anniversary message:

Cave Story Steam version update history:

Research video about the controversy [All sources listed below this are also in the video's description, including more not listed here. There is also a pinned comment clarifying a forum moderator's post.]:

Kotaku article:

Jason Schreier tweet:

Pixel and Tyrone Rodriguez royalties tweets:

Forum posts about fan mods:

Kero Blaster plot theory:

Siliconera article:

1PrintGames interview with Pixel:

Interviews where Pixel expressed he does not want to make a sequel to Cave Story:
subdirectory_arrow_right Cave Story's Secret Santa (Game)
According to Cave Story creator Pixel around the release of Cave Story's Secret Santa in December 2021, the Mimiga named Santa did not get his name because it was related to Christmas or Santa Claus, but because he was the third Mimiga that Pixel designed during the original game's development. The name actually comes from "san" ("三"), the Japanese numeral kanji for three. At the same time however, Pixel acknowledged that some segments in the Bushlands where Quote has to travel through and collect items from fireplaces (including the one in Santa's house) may have subconsciously made him think about Santa Claus, though he did not realize this at the time. Santa would later take on a Santa Claus-like role in Cave Story's Secret Santa.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month January 21, 2025
Nicalis newsletter Pixel Q&A:

Pixel video statement released by game publisher Pikii (in Japanese):

Wikitionary article:三#Japanese
subdirectory_arrow_right Cave Story+ (Game)
Unlike the original freeware version which runs at 50 frames per second (FPS), Cave Story+ runs at 60 FPS, which causes some minor differences in the game's physics. In a 2010 interview with Destructoid, the game's creator Pixel had this to say about the game's frame rate differences:

"No matter what environment (PC), if it runs well on 60fps, then I will always choose 60fps, without a doubt.

However, at that time, there were lots of PC setups that weren’t 60 fps. There were environments that could set the refresh rate through the program, but there were other environments where you couldn’t. Most PC’s were at a refresh rate slightly higher than 60fps. When that happens, with a one to two second cycle, the periodical scroll of the screen shook erratically and this affected the game experience–which I didn’t like.

In the end, I made it 50 fps because there were no environments at 50 fps. Regardless what environment it’s run on there would be no adverse issues. It’s very important that the movement or motion is consistent no matter what the environment.

At first I had contemplated that it was a refresh rate problem. The environment is restricted, but when I saw how smoothly the game scrolled on 60 fps I thought there couldn’t be any other choice than 60 fps. There were several other people on the Internet who’ve had similar thoughts, but then I saw points like it’s more important to make a fun game than to fixate on the refresh rate. I remember at that time feeling like I finally reached a solution."
By feeding Quote Ma Pignon in Curly Story, it will trigger his only line in the game: "Curly! It's me, Quote!"
subdirectory_arrow_right Cave Story+ (Game)
In the Steam, Wii, and DSi versions, Quote switches outfits based on difficulty settings and during holidays such as Christmas.
When using the Blade at Lv. 3, a ghostly image of King appears, holding his sword while slashing multiple times; it is most likely his brave spirit remained in the sword, fighting to no end to eventually kill the Doctor. This is proven in the description of the weapon in the Nicalis translation.
If the Doctor is defeated and Quote manages to get back to the Plantation's passage, the four statues of the Demon Crown's owners will be replaced with four statues for the Island's heroes; Quote, Curly, King, and Toroko.
After the battle with The Doctor and the Muscle Doctor, if the player speaks to Chako several times, she will mention how Quote is heroic like Arthur, which causes Hearts to appear above the other Mimigas' heads. This is the only way to replenish health before the Undead Core battle.
subdirectory_arrow_right Cave Story+ (Game)
It's possible to be hurt and even killed by Toroko while she's blindly attacking Quote in the Shack. In Cave Story+, if the player is killed by Toroko in this manner, they'll earn the Toroko Wins! achievement.
subdirectory_arrow_right Cave Story+ (Game), Cave Story 3D (Game)
Attachment On the official Cave Story 3D website and the instruction manual for the Nintendo Switch port of Cave Story+, Quote is called "Mr. Traveler." This is a placeholder name to prevent his name being spoiled, derived from Chako calling him so, after defeating the Doctor in his human and demon form.
person Gamer#1 calendar_month July 15, 2014
Archived version of the Cave Story 3D website (requires Adobe Flash emulators, e.g. the free Ruffle browser extension, to view):

Archived PDF of the Switch version's manual:
In one room, called the Statue Chamber, are statues of all of the previous wearers of the Demon Crown, including the current wearer and antagonist of the game, The Doctor. However, if the player completes a series of complex tasks, they will eventually come back to this room after going through the Sacred Grounds and defeating the Heavy Brace boss. The statues are now destructible, and when destroyed, will appear as Quote (the player character), Toroko, King, and Curly Brace, the main characters of the game.
subdirectory_arrow_right Cave Story+ (Game), Cave Story 3D (Game)
Attachment In the original Cave Story, Cave Story +, and Cave Story 3D, there is an item called the Beast Fang that is impossible to obtain through normal means. It is obtainable through hacking, or abusing a glitch in Cave Story 3D.
Jenka's theme was based on the Finnish folk song 'Letkajenkka'.
In the Bushlands, Santa will tell you that the only way forward is through Chako's house. An item called "Chako's Rouge" ("Chako's Lipstick" in the Aeon Genesis translation) can be found when entering her house to progress. After examining her fireplace and then immediately sleeping in her bed, the item is added to the player's inventory. Chako will also be seen asleep on the bed and will awake if Quote reenters her house. The lipstick has no use.
person shaggytoad calendar_month June 25, 2013
Gameplay footage [second link and info provided by Gamer#1]:
Attachment In the original PC version of Cave Story, Balrog used to make his appearance breaking through a wall and saying "Huzzah!". However, in the WiiWare and 3DS ports, that sentence was changed to "Oh Yeah!" to reference the Kool-Aid Man.
During development, nearly all of the enemies were based on bars of soap. The design of these enemies were the basis for Balrog's design.
The game took the one-man development team, Daisuke Amaya, five years to make.
subdirectory_arrow_right Cave Story+ (Game)
Right after the fight with Curly Brace, you can go into her room. In there, you can find a secret tunnel. At the end, you will find an item called "Curly's Underwear." This item is a joke item, as it has no use and cannot be removed from your inventory. In Cave Story+, finding this hidden item unlocks "Curly Story".
Attachment There is a portrait image of Sue as a human within the game. This is never used, but it suggests that sometime during development, Sue, in her human form, had dialog.
In late 2011, a .zip file was uploaded to the Doukutsu Uploader that contained all 19 versions of orgview made throughout Cave Story's development timeline. Dozens of different beta versions of songs that play in-game, including some unused ones in the final version, were part of the package.

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