In June of 2020, an uncredited animator who worked on the game named Dennis Opel posted various development clips on his Twitter page. These clips were for a pitch to rework the game's combat system, which he worked on in the sidelines while the game was still in development. Some of his ideas included incorporating dodging and counter attacks; certain moves the player could perform being affected by the enemy's actions, stats, and distance from the player; etc. In the end, this pitch was never submitted to Rockstar.
person ZpaceJ0ck0 calendar_month January 11, 2024
In a tweet by Dennis Opel (an uncredited animator for the game who mostly did fighting animations), he revealed that early in development he proposed the Boxing minigame to have more depth when it came to attacking and dodging, citing the Punch-Out!! series as an inspiration. This idea was rejected by Rockstar Vancouver.
person ZpaceJ0ck0 calendar_month January 11, 2024
Original Twitter/X post:

The Cutting Room Floor mirror:
The game's re-release in 2008, Bully: Scholarship Edition, contained new content that wasn't in the original version of the game. This included new classes (biology, music, math and geography), new unlockable items, new two-player mini-games and new awards.
By going to the island near the sunken pirate ship, the player can find find Vance wearing his pirate costume, beating him up unlocks the "Pirate Hat".
Attachment The "Easy-Drugs" store windows show an "Rx" logo, which is almost identical to the Rockstar Games logo.
Attachment Bully's Bullworth Academy is shown in an episode of 'I'm Rich', a reality television show in Grand Theft Auto IV. This indicates that the setting for Bully possibly exists in the Grand Theft Auto universe.
Attachment A black Stallion with a flame paint job (similar to the Diablo Stallion in Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories) can be seen in Shop Class, however it doesn't appear to have a hood-mounted supercharger.
There is a largely unused student found in the game's data named Bob. The reason that he was removed from most of the final game is uncertain, but he can still be seen in a late cut scene Spoiler: where the gym catches fire.
Attachment For the original PlayStation 2 release, Bully was renamed in PAL regions to Canis Canem Edit which is Latin for "Dog Eat Dog." Canis Canem Edit is Bullworth Academy's motto and the game's tagline in non-PAL regions.
Jack Thompson, an anti-video-game activist, once tried to get the game banned from sale in Florida. His theory was that "It shows you how to -- by bullying -- take over your school." However, Judge Ronald Friedman (who was appointed the trial) did not see anything wrong with the game as "there's nothing in the game that you wouldn't see on TV every night."

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