subdirectory_arrow_right Gungrave (Game)

Since then, the game has become vaporware as no other updates on it have been released from either Red Entertainment, Nightow, or Sega since its announcement, with the exception of an official statement from Sega in 2002 that gave no comment on its development. Fans speculated that Gungrave was actually a modified version of Trigun: The Planet Gunsmoke citing its similar storylines and character designs to that of Trigun, but considering that both games were first shown off at the same time and Gungrave was released in Japan only four months later, this is not the case.
Video on Trigun: The Planet Gunsmoke's development:
Trigun: The Planet Gunsmoke teaser trailer:
IGN article on Sega's Game Jam II showcase:
Trigun: The Planet Gunsmoke teaser trailer:
IGN article on Sega's Game Jam II showcase: