Trivia Browser



Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
Attachment There are unused graphics in the game's memory that say "Seek a way out!". In the final game they were replaced with a movie featuring Junpei and the same text. It is unknown whether or not the sprites above were mere placeholders for the movie or if the sprites were scrapped in favor of the movie.
Chase H.Q.
Attachment There is an unused image of a wide-bodied version of Taito's pre-1988 logo stored in the game's background graphics ROM.
Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force
Attachment There is an unused Federation Emblem graphic called Federation4.jpg left in the game. It is the insignia for the United Federation of Planets with a crude 4 painted over, presumably for editor marker reference for scripts. It is never seen in-game.
Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force
Attachment There are two unfinished items in the game's memory that go unused in the final game:
• Tricorder - The tricorder gives you a sensor display to the bottom right with dots representing friends and foes, and describes what you point at in more detail with the left mouse button. The item was finished up late and made officially available in the Virtual Voyager expansion.
• Hypospray - The primary trigger fires a spray of blue particles. Using the alternate fire shows it's clearly unfinished by only spraying at an extremely high rate without sound. It also has an early icon, showing a different font. Ironically, attempting to obtain one by cheating will parse "health" and the letters as a negative number, killing the player in the process.
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Attachment There are unused sprites in the game's memory for a giant lizard-like creature which shoots a beam from its mouth.
Dino City
Attachment There is an unused ASCII font in the game's memory that was likely used for debugging purposes. The font is copied into the system's VRAM at boot-up, but is quickly overwritten with the Irem logo graphics. It also has an associated color palette, consisting of some very basic colors.
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary
Attachment In the NES version, there is an unused graphic featuring the letters "PIHL" being repeated.
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
In the E3 2014 trailer for Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, it was shown that Kirby is able to damage Whispy Woods by firing himself out of a cannon and hitting the tree's face. The cannon isn't present in the final game.
Attachment There's an unused underwater variation of the Freezeezy Peak theme which cannot be heard in-game as the water in that level is too cold (and too shallow) to swim in. Even if the player travels through the icy water submerged after having been turned into a walrus by Mumbo, the music still won't change.
Command & Conquer: Generals
Some of the special powers were removed from the final game due to the fact the developers removed the generals feature in the base game (this was later re-added in the expansion). However, their code still resides in the game's memory:
• Black Market Nuke - A GLA special power that sends a plane to drop a nuclear bomb.
• Terror Cell - Similar to the Rebel Ambush feature that made it into the game, except this spawns terrorists instead of rebels.
• Crate Drop - Does nothing more than drop $2,000 worth of money.
Command & Conquer: Generals
There are quite a few unused mouse cursors left hidden in the game's memory:
• Defector - Intended for the removed Defector special power.
• Guard - An unused unique cursor for the Guard function.
• Heal - Could have been intended for the Ambulance, or perhaps used when you send injured soldiers to the barracks.
• No Entry - Shown when you cannot enter a building. In the final game, the standard "invalid" cursor is shown instead.
• Out of Range - Intended to appear when you tell a unit to attack an enemy unit that is not within range.
• Place - Would have been used as a cursor when you place a structure.
• Sell - Sell does not require a target in the final game, as all structures have sell buttons to sell themselves.
• Spy Drone - An unused unique mouse cursor for the spy drone feature.
Attachment The game contains unused data for an enemy named Iwagen that attacks by shooting rocks. It is a combination of Iwa, which is Japanese for rock, and gen, short for generator.
Excitebike 64
Attachment The game's memory contains unused graphics of some kind of debug font.
Shadow the Hedgehog
There were plans to have Sonic in the game's multiplayer mode although this idea was cut early on in development. The only thing that remains of him in the game's memory is his Japanese voice clips.
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Attachment There are unused graphics of an "OK" button inside of the game's memory. It's purpose is unknown since menus in the game never ask you to confirm an action.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Attachment There is an unused model of Luigi with blue clothing which differs quite a bit from both Luigi's and every other character's model. One interesting difference is that this costume has its shadow model integrated into the model itself, rather than having it as a separate model.
Mario Kart Wii
Attachment There are 3 unobtainable item boxes located under the S curve of DK Summit.
Mortal Kombat 3
Attachment There are a lot of unused sprites of Motaro left over in the game's memory, including:

• Motaro raising up his front legs.
• Motaro doing his teleport move.
• Motaro performing an arm lift as if he were going to throw the opponent over his head.
• Motaro raising his arm, along with moving mouth sprites that suggests this would be some sort of taunt.

There is also an unused win screen for him that would not show up until Mortal Kombat Trilogy. This evidence suggests that Motaro was probably going to be a playable character at one point.
Cry of Fear
Attachment An unused 3D walkie-talkie model can be found within the game's files.
Mortal Kombat 3
Because Sheeva has four arms, a unique four-armed skeleton sprite is stored in the game's memory but is never actually used in-game. This was likely meant to be used for Kano's skeleton rip Fatality.
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