Trivia Browser



Video Olimpic
Attachment Video Olympics was developed in Spain. One of the advertisements banners in the background reads "Cocaina" in a similar style to the Coca Cola logo. In Spanish, cocaina means "cocaine". The game was published in Europe uncensored.
Donkey Kong
subdirectory_arrow_right Mario (Franchise)
According to series creator Shigeru Miyamoto, Mario's appearance was the result of graphical limitations in the original Donkey Kong: his overalls allowed his arms to be visible against his body (as there was no room for outlines), his hat substituted for hair and eyebrows (and did not need to be animated when he jumped), and the large nose and mustache made up for the lack of space to depict a mouth.

Miyamoto additionally stated that the design was influenced by the decision to make Mario Italian-American, identifying his large nose in particular as a distinctly western feature.
person DidYouKnowGaming calendar_month March 15, 2013
Attachment Sonic was originally planned to have a human girlfriend called Madonna. She would chase Sonic around, similar to how Amy Rose acts in later games.
Fallout: New Vegas
The project director for Fallout: New Vegas, J.E. Sawyer, released a mod for the game which brings more difficulty, shifts certain NPC alignments and modifies a few character stats.

The reason this wasn't released as an official patch was partly due to its technical difficulties and difficulty curve, however it was mainly due to the development for the game and all DLC having ended.
Maniac Mansion
subdirectory_arrow_right Maniac Mansion (Game)
In the NES version of the game, despite heavy censorship, the scene where the player can put a hamster into a microwave oven was left in the game. Nintendo discovered this just as the first run was being shipped to retail, and stipulated that no more copies could be manufactured until that scene was censored.

In later versions of the game, including the PAL version, attempting to put the hamster in the microwave will only cause the game to respond "HOW SICK!"
Franchise: Pokémon
Attachment The Pokemon Jynx went through a slight redesign due to allegations of racism. The effects were first implemented in the international version of Pokemon Crystal, and can even be seen in the virtual console re-release of Pokemon Snap.
Attachment Nintendo once planned to release a knitting add-on for the NES. The slogan was 'Now you're knitting with power.'
Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro
Attachment When you put an incorrect phrase into the cheat menu it will simply reset. However, when you input a foul word as a cheat, Spider-Man will appear and change it into something nice like flower, puppy, or spice.
World of Warcraft
Various screen-shots you take in the game have a secret watermark that contains data for your account ID, the time the screenshot was taken, and the IP and data of the server you were playing on. It's speculated that this was mainly used to identify and punish internal leaking of images during development.
Attachment If you put in the cheat code "girlnextdoor" you can play the game as Mary Jane Watson. At the end of the game, where Spider-Man and Mary Jane usually kiss, Mary Jane will kiss herself. This code was removed from later versions of the game, presumably because of the lesbian kiss in an E-rated game.
Franchise: Earthbound
Attachment Shigesato Itoi first founded Ape Inc., the company that worked on EarthBound's predecessor Mother / EarthBound: Beginnings. Ape Inc. later reformed as Creatures Inc. with the help of Satoru Iwata. Ape Inc. worked on EarthBound, and later helped Game Freak develop the Pokémon series as the reformed Creatures Inc. Their influence can be seen in Pokémon. The main villain in Mother, Giygas, has a battle sprite that resembles Mewtwo. He also has a mental power called PSI. Additionally, there's an item in EarthBound called "Bag of Dragonite." There is also a Pokémon named Dragonite.
The Minnesota state lottery was considering using the NES to let people play the lottery. The player would use a game cartridge made by the company to play the lottery, and a modem that would allow them to communicate with the central computer. The plan eventually fell through due to concerns that minors would illegally purchase tickets.
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Hideo Kojima had requested that Metal Gear Solid's Solid Snake be in the game, but due to time constraints he couldn't be added to the game's roster. Sonic the Hedgehog also nearly made it into the game. Sonic's creator Yuji Naka stated that Sonic was going to be in Melee, but he also was cut due to time constraints. Both characters later made it into the sequel, Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Super Mario Bros. 3
Attachment The box art for the game shows images from earlier stages of the game's development. The image of word 1 has different paths when compared to the final version, and the second image doesn't represent anything seen in the game's final build.
Super Mario Bros. 3
It was once planned for Mario to have a power up that turned him into a Centaur. This isn't as outlandish as it seems; the Tanooki suit was also inspired by the legendary Tanuki.
Metal Gear Solid
Attachment Solid Snake's design in Metal Gear Solid was inspired by the body of Jean Claude Van-Damme and the face of Christopher Walken.
Sonic's shoes were inspired by Michael Jackson's boots and the color scheme of Santa Claus. Sonic's personality was inspired by Bill Clinton.
Platform: Dreamcast
There was a motion controller planned to release for the Sega Dreamcast. It would have been used for 'Air Nights' a sequel to 'Nights into Dreams' and was also rumored to have involved with the creation of the Sega's Super Monkey Ball series. The motion Sensing technology was eventually used for the maracas in Samba De Amigo.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Miyamoto had originally planned for "A Link to the Past" to have a party system where you could switch between three characters and utilize their individual abilities. The characters would have been a mix between an elf and a fighter, a magic user, and a girl.
Donkey Kong
subdirectory_arrow_right King Kong (Franchise), Kirby (Franchise)
When Donkey Kong became popular, Nintendo was sued by American film company Universal Studios over allegations that Donkey Kong was plagiarizing their 1933 film King Kong. Lawyer John Kirby, defending Nintendo, pointed out that Universal was aware of and had previously argued in court that the story of King Kong was in the public domain due to the film's novelization, which came out before the film and marked the first non-promotional appearance of the character, failing to have its copyright notice renewed. As a result, Universal lost the case. Nintendo lavishly awarded Kirby by taking him, his wife and some associates to dinner at a fancy Manhattan restaurant, giving him a sailboat named "Donkey Kong" and the exclusive rights to the name Donkey Kong for sailboats as a strange show of gratitude.

In a 2011 interview with Game Informer, Shigeru Miyamoto stated that "Kirby" was one of many candidates on a list of names that were proposed for the then-in development video game character, and upon seeing it, he recalled John Kirby and felt that a connection between the two would be amusing. However, the name was picked not as a tribute to the lawyer, but rather because the harsh-sounding nature of the name was a comedic contrast to the character's soft, cute design.
person DidYouKnowGaming calendar_month March 14, 2013
Original DidYouKnowGaming blog post:

2011 Game Informer interview mentioning Kirby's name origin:

[Below links provided by Rocko & Heffer.]

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David Sheff - "Game Over: Press Start to Continue: The Maturing of Mario" (1999). Wilton, Connecticut: GamePress. (Page 126 in the book):
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