Trivia Browser



Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IV contains several prominent references to the Old Testament, such as the Tower of Babel.

Kain's name comes from the biblical tale of Cain and Abel, in which Cain becomes jealous of Abel and kills him. This parallels the multiple times that Kain betrays Cecil and attempts to kill him. Kain's ultimate weapon is Abel's Lance, alluding to the reference.
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X, like other games in the series, features many references to real world religions and their history. This game in particular alludes to the conflicts between Christianity and Gnosticism; it also depicts the corruption possible within organized religion, and how it can lead to an inversion of its own doctrine.
Ecco the Dolphin
In Origin Beach, there are two glyphs that are behind the walls in the top left and right corners of the level. These were put in by the developers to answer the question "Why do dolphins live in the sea?"

The left one says:
We hear song in the ocean!
We hear our kind in the sea!
Never have we heard songs in the sea!

The one on the right says:
You sing our song under the waves
Who are you?
Could we sing in the sea?
Could we live in the sea?
Perhaps we will try!
Dead Space 3
Like in Dead Space, taking the first letter of each chapter will spell a secret message. Spoiler:This reads "BROTHER MOONS ARE AWAKE", referring to how other moons have been woken up after defeating The Moon on Tau Volantis.

Prologue: Beginnings
Chapter 1: Rude Awakening
Chapter 2: On your Own
Chapter 3: The Roanoke
Chapter 4: History's Ember
Chapter 5: Expect Delays
Chapter 6: Repair to Ride
Chapter 7: Mayhem
Chapter 8: Off The Grid
Chapter 9: Onward
Chapter 10: Now We Know
Chapter 11: Signal Hunting
Chapter 12: Autopsy
Chapter 13: Reach For The Sky
Chapter 14: Everything Has It's Place
Chapter 15: A Change Of Fortune
Chapter 16: What Lies Below
Chapter 17: A Strange City
Chapter 18: Kill Or Be Killed
Chapter 19: Endings

The Awakened DLC also has a message Spoiler: hidden in the chapter titles, which spells out "RIP", possibly referencing the other moons arriving to Earth.

Chapter 1: Requiem
Chapter 2: Infidels
Chapter 3: Perdition
The Simpsons: Hit & Run
Attachment The main menu will feature one of three holiday themes if the system's clock is set to specific days of the year:
• October 31st - Halloween
• Last Thursday of November - Thanksgiving
• December 25th - Christmas
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Awakening was intended to be the final game in the series unless the total sales exceeded 250,000 copies, and so the game was filled with homages and features of previous installments. This includes the return of the marriage and inheritance system from Genealogy of the Holy War, the branching promotion trees and free-roam world map of The Sacred Stones, the skill system from various games in the series, and the custom character from Shin Monshō no Nazo ~Hikari to Kage no Eiyū~. It also included references to previous installments, such as with Owain shouting out the titles of the previous games, the brands possibly referencing the Holy Blood system in Genealogy of the Holy War, and downloadable characters and maps from previous games.
Animal Crossing
Attachment A mole named Mr. Resetti will pop up to scold the player if they reset the game without saving. On the sixth and random subsequent times, he will force the player to copy what he says by typing it in, and will not leave until they do so correctly. However, typing in the following phrases will trigger special dialogue where Mr. Resetti scolds the player even more:

"no", "NO!", "jerk", "Die!", "Loser", "RESET", "freak", "Creep", "no way", "Leave!" "No Way!", "shut up", "go away", "Pinhead", "Dirtbag", "Scumbag", "Shut Up!", Go Away!", "Butthead", "Bite me!", "U R UGLY", "groundhog", "You stink", "I + Reset", "You suck!", "I hate you", "Moles suck", "Who Cares?".
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
Attachment In "Teach Me! Miss Litchi " Episode 1, Tao references the movie Pulp Fiction using Jules' famous reciting of Ezekiel 25:17.
Attachment Dean Hall has stated that the reason for the abundance of Rotten Kiwis throughout the game is because the team's designers "think it's hilarious to pick on [him]". It's likely that Rotten Kiwis refer to Dean's nationality as a New Zealander, colloquially known as Kiwis.
Washer Banjo, the transformation available in the Grunty Industries world, is a reference to the the first game in the series, where Mumbo might accidentally turn Banjo and Kazooie into a washing machine when casting a transformation spell on them.
Left 4 Dead
Attachment In chapter 2 of "The Passing" Campaign, there is graffiti on the wall referencing Dead Rising's Frank West. It reads: "Otis, out of film. No helicopters. Zombies too fast. Not going to make it.-Frank West"
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
The Ancient Tongue spoken by the game's Laguz characters is actually just an elaborate English font which can easily be translated. Two of the game's characters, the heron Leanne and the wolf Volug, speak almost exclusively in the Ancient Tongue. They appear to be quiet, stoic, and wise characters. However, translating her dialogue reveals Leanne is quite excitable and sassy. Volug is similarly sarcastic; he asks at one point, "You ever wonder what would happen if I just ate everyone we fought? Would the rest keep fighting?"
Attachment A helmet and armor that resemble Slender Man are possible rewards for spinning either the Wheel of Destiny or the Wheel of Doom.
DmC: Devil May Cry
Throughout the game are a number of arcade cabinets. Some of them display both Ryu & Ken from Street Fighter II. There are also a number of "Giant Enemy Crab" games, a reference to the E3 announcement of Genji: Days of the Blade.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
When talking to the little girl Kukiel right after meeting Batreaux in Skyloft, she will say that he told her that "it's too dangerous to go out alone" at night, referencing the iconic phrase "It's dangerous to go alone", said by the old man who gives Link his sword in the original Legend of Zelda on the NES.
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
In the sewers of Paris, Bentley will say "Interesting... The last time I was in these sewers, I was a teenager!". This is a reference to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Olimar's ship, the S.S. Dolphin, likely refers to the code name of the Nintendo Gamecube: Project Dolphin.
Mario Power Tennis
Attachment One of Wario's Power Shots, the Ultra Hand Return, is based on a Nintendo toy invented by Gunpei Yokoi in 1966 called the Ultra Hand. The toy worked to grab objects from a distance, and Wario will use it to hit a ball that is out of reach.
Cthulhu Saves the World
Attachment When a man comes asking for "dudes bad enough" to save Dunwitch he is making a reference to Bad Dudes where at the beginning of the game it reads "Are you a bad enough dude to save the president?"
League of Legends
Attachment Nunu's "grungy" skin bears a strong resemblance to two Sesame Street characters: Oscar the Grouch and Cookie Monster.
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