Trivia Browser



Hokuto no Ken 6: Gekitou Denshouken - Haou he no Michi
Raoh and Heart are the only characters in the game who cannot crouch and subsequently cannot block low. Raoh not being able to crouch is consistent with his personality in the Fist of the North Star series, as he constantly strives for domination and refuses to be subordinate to others. It is allegedly explained in the game's manual that Raoh does not crouch because "it's not like a king to kneel", but it is not known where in the manual this is mentioned.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month September 6, 2021
Hokuto no Ken 6: Gekitou Denshoukem - Haou he no Michi manual (I have machine translated several:

Video of Raoh's inability to crouch and block low and manual claim:

Fist of the North Star English manga translation (see Volume 8, Chapter 97 [page 55 in file reader] for example of Raoh's complete refusal to back down):
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Attachment Rolento's Super Combo "Take No Prisoners" can be blocked by every fighter in the game except for Cody, because he is a prisoner and is being sought out by Rolento in the game's plot.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
subdirectory_arrow_right Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (Game), Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Game)
Tekken's Heihachi Mishima was briefly considered for the roster of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, but was ultimately replaced with Ryu from Street Fighter. The team thought that implementing Heihachi's movement into the game would have been difficult due to fundamental design differences between the Tekken and Super Smash Bros. series, and instead released a Mii Fighter costume of him. He was once again considered for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but his son Kazuya was chosen instead due to him possessing the Devil Gene from his mother Kazumi. This choice was made to implement Kazuya's Devil Powers into midair jumps, smash attacks and special moves, while making the rest of Kazuya's moveset as similar as possible to his normal moveset in the Tekken series.
person RuckasFavNucka calendar_month August 31, 2015
SourceGaming article:

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Kazuya Fighter Showcase:
Franchise: SoulCalibur
The two Yoshimitsu characters of the Soul series -- The first appearing in SoulCalibur through SoulCalibur IV, the second from SoulCalibur V -- are the ancestors of the Yoshimitsu from the Tekken series.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies
Attachment Juniper Woods' stage outfit for when she was going to sing the Guitar's Serenade during the Gavinner's return concert is almost exactly the same as Lamiroir's, who originally sang the same song in Ace Attoreny: Apollo Justice. Weirdly enough, neither Apollo, Trucy nor Klavier make any mentions of the fact despite having met Lamiroir.

The artbook "The Art of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies" by Udon Entertainment expands upon this. In-universe, the similarities are purely coincidental, as Juniper just so happened to design the exact same costume that Lamiroir wore during the previous game. Out-of-universe, however, it was done to tie into the sub-plot about Juniper's crush on Apollo Justice, as it allowed for a cutscene where she gains "brownie points" with Justice, who is a fan of Lamiroir's music.
person Mass Distraction calendar_month June 12, 2014
Archived VGFacts forum thread:

(2015). "The Art of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies -". UDON. ISBN 978-1927925447.
According to the Archie comics, Sonic the Hedgehog's real name was originally "Olgilvie Maurice Hedgehog", and was meant to act as a part of a never-used plot. However, due to one of the comic writers leaving the staff, this concept was never touched upon, and was eventually retconned as Sonic legally changing his name at an early age, leaving his actual first name a mystery.

This would later be referenced years later, where the Netflix description for the animated series "Sonic Prime" claimed that Sonic's middle name was Maurice.
person islethewolf calendar_month June 6, 2014
Castlevania Legends
According to producer Koji Igarashi, both this game and its lead, Sonia Belmont, are considered non-canon as they conflict with the plot line of the main games:

"Legends remains something of an embarrassment for the series. If only that development team had the guidance of the original team of the series."
Franchise: Mega Man
subdirectory_arrow_right Mega Man Star Force (Collection), Mega Man Battle Network (Collection)
The Battle Network and Star Force series are an alternate timeline, separate from the classic series, X, and so on. Instead of building robots which led to the Robot Apocalypse, Dr. Wily and Dr. Light (who is Dr. Tadashi Hikari in the Battle Network games, his name meaning 'Right Light' in Japanese) created the internet which led to taking advantage of electromagnetic waves in the Star Force series.
In the continuity of Fleetway's Sonic the Hedgehog comics (known as "Sonic the Comic"), Dr. Robotnik was originally a kind human scientist named "Ovi Kintobor", who wished to rid Mobius of all evil using a device called the Retro-Orbital Chaos Compressor (or "ROCC" for short) to absorb all the negative energy on the planet, eventually using the six Chaos Emeralds as a vessel for the energy (Issue #181 would reveal that this was because the Drakon Empire had used them in the past to contain an experimental energy source known as "chaos"). However, six emeralds was not enough: he also needed the seventh Grey Emerald to stabilize the process. During this time, he met and befriended Sonic the Hedgehog, who used his impressive speed to help Kintobor in his search for the Grey Emerald, albeit to no avail (Issue #36 would reveal this was because the Grey Emerald was on the Floating Island with Knuckles). Kintobor would also run experiments on Sonic to test his speed, which eventually lead to him gaining his iconic blue form.

The day after this (according to Issue #71), when Kintobor went to go make them some food, he could only find a six month old rotten egg in the fridge. While going to add salt to the egg, he tripped on a cable and slammed his head against the ROCC's control panel, causing it to explode. Both Kintobor and the egg were bathed in chaos energy, transforming him into Ivo Robotnik, the main antagonist of the comic, and revealing that Sonic was responsible for "Creating the most vicious dictator on Mobius". All of this is revealed in Issue #8 of the comic.

Issue #71 revealed that the accident was actually caused by a time-travelling Sonic, who both placed the rotten egg in the fridge and pulled the cables loose. This was done to save the future from the Brotherhood of Metallix, who could only be stopped by Robotnik. Additionally, Issue #26 revealed that the explosion had somehow "burned" Kintobor's brainwaves onto one of the Golden Rings from which the ROCC had been built: it would later be used to construct the Kintobor Computer, an important part of the Freedom Fighters' resistance to Robotnik's rule.
person ThisGuyInTheSuit calendar_month May 26, 2013
Attachment In "Sonic the Comic, issue #8, The Origins Of Sonic," Sonic was originally a normal, brown, and very spiky hedgehog. He had met Dr. Ivo Robotnik (known at the time as Dr. Ovi Kintobor) by finding his lab, and they had become friends. Dr. Kintobor performed experiments on Sonic's super speed, which helped him to run even faster, and with the aid of the Power Sneakers Dr Kintobor invented, it allowed him to run so fast that he broke the sound barrier, turning him into a more familiar blue form.
Bonanza Bros.
The plotline of Bonanza Bros. varies from region to region:

• In the original Japanese version of the game, Mobo & Robo are thieves who work for personal gain. The opening cutscene begins with them watching what appears to be a news report about Badville's tourism being decreased by criminal behavior, and the image of a shadowy figure on television would be used by other localizations to modify the plot.
• In the European version, Mobo & Robo are thieves called upon by the shadowy figure to counter criminal orgnaisations in Badville with their burglary, with a bail out of prison being offered as a reward. This plot is also used in the microcomputer versions of the game published in the UK by US Gold, however in those it is specified that Mobo and Robo are "reformed villains" utilising their sworn-off skills rather than villains working for a benevolent figure.
• In the American version of the game, the plot is dramatically altered. Mobo & Robo are renamed to Mike & Spike, and are changed to be detectives who are simply retrieving pilfered items without any ill intent beyond desiring a reward from the shadowy figure. The scene of the intro where they sneak past a wanted poster is removed. Despite this, the American box art still portrays the Bonanza Bros. as criminals on a wanted poster. No modifications were made to the game for the US release beyond the manual and intro, and thus burglar-related imagery (i.e. bags of loot, nefarious digitized "eh heh heh" cackling, policemen and guard dogs to shoot as enemies) remain intact.

Their character bio in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, despite being a Western-developed title without a Japanese release, uses their original Japanese backstory.
person ST3 calendar_month April 30, 2013
Attachment Sonic's favorite food is chili dogs. This trait was first introduced in the 1993 animated series "Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog" and was later officially incorporated into the video game series starting with Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. Before the first appearance of the chili dog in the series however, Sonic's enjoyment of hot dogs in general was first established in Issue #5 of "Sonic the Comic", in a scene where Sonic is seen ready to eat three hundred hot dogs as a part of his breakfast. Since then, the chili dog has been established as Sonic's favorite food in almost every piece of Sonic media (for context, the only show to not reference chili dogs was "Sonic X", and even then a normal hot dog appeared in the episode "How to Catch a Hedgehog" during a scene where Sonic is stuck running in a giant hamster wheel), eventually making its way into the games as well, a rare example of something originating from the cartoons/comics being carried over into the mainline games.
person Funland47 calendar_month April 19, 2013
Wiki article on Chili Dog:

Sonic the Comic Issue #5:;s=&readType=1

Sonic X - How to Catch a Hedgehog:
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