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In Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations, if you enter Free Battle mode, select "Versus Battle", select the "1P vs. 2P" option, complete one match with supports, go back to the Free Battle mode selection screen, select Training mode, press B (or circle for PS3) on a support-only slot, you will be able to play as them. They have no Awakenings, B (or circle) combos, or voices and can only use their normal jutsu, powered chakra shurikens, normal dash, guarding, and normal walking. Attempting to do a side ninja dash (Left or Right on the Analog Stick and double A or X) will lock up your player unless you press your D-pad either left or right. Even though they are in an unplayable state, it suggests that all of the support-only characters were going to be fully playable since under normal circumstances support-only characters don't use their walking animations.

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