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In Episode 172 of the webseries "The Angry Video Game Nerd" in which the Nerd reviewed Jurassic Park: Trespasser, James Rolfe conducted an interview with the game's executive producer Seamus Blackley about the game's development. He asked him why they used the heart tattoo on Anne's chest as a health bar, and shouting out the usage of ammo, rather than using a regular heads-up display. He responded:

"The idea was that you would feel that it was your adventure, and part of that was not having a bunch of technology in your face. And we were struggling with the idea of a totally natural interface, having everything in the game literally be in the game world in the context of the game world. The tattoo was one of the first ideas we had about a health meter, we were thinking of putting it on the arm and it happened to be on a tattoo on the chest when we ran out of time, and so that's what stuck and that's just how stupid things are."

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