Franchise: The Legend of Zelda

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In a 1994 interview with the game's creator Shigeru Miyamoto, featured in the liner notes of "The Legend of Zelda: Sound and Drama" CD, he was asked what themes he was trying to convey through the series as a whole? He responded:

"An everyday boy gets drawn into a series of incredible events and grows to become a hero. Within that framework, I wanted to create a game where the player could experience the feeling of exploration as he travels about the world, becoming familiar with the history of the land and the natural world he inhabits. That is reflected in the title: “the legend of ____”"

"Adventure games and RPGs are games where you advance the story through dialogue alone, but we wanted players to actually experience the physical sensation of using a controller and moving the character through the world. We wanted dungeons to be explorable with a simple mapping system. These and similar ideas were what we wanted to experiment with in Zelda. These themes are carried forward in the SFC Zelda as well."

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