Trivia Browser



Star Wars: The Old Republic
Attachment In Star Wars: The Old Republic, aboard the command deck of the dreadnought the Ziost Shadow there's a Sith Lord pacing back and forth in front of a group of bounty hunters.

This is a reference to the scene in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back where Darth Vader is recruiting the bounty hunters to find the Millennium Falcon. The characters in the game also closely resemble those from the film: a Human with facial wrappings (Dengar), an assassin droid (IG-88), an individual in Mandalorian armor (Boba Fett), a robust war droid (4-LOM), a Gand (Zuckuss), and a Trandoshan (Bossk).
Suikoden II
Attachment Ted, McDohl's best friend from Suikoden 1, has his profile picture hanging in McDohl's room in Gregminster.
Suikoden II
Sheena's default equipment pays homage to his parents from Suikoden 1. His sword is called Kirinji like his father, Lepant, and he begins with an Earth Rune and permanently attached Star Earrings like his mother, Eileen.
Suikoden II
Attachment If the player decides to run away Spoiler:with Nanami during the events that develop around Tinto, the player can reveal an alternate ending in which the hero and Nanami will live quietly in the country.

Additionally, many characters have unique dialogue during this scene, including a script coded in for both Viktor and Flik, even though there's no way for you to put them in your party at this point in the game.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
In Metal Gear Solid 4, the all-female haven troops cannot be knocked unconscious by grabbing their crotch after a body search (as it turns into a grope). If Snake tries this, the soldier will start yelling "Pervert!", "You idiot!", "If you don't cut that out...", or "You men are all the same!" They will soon retaliate with an incapacitating kick. That said, there's a slight chance they will say, "Hey, you're pretty good at that."
Golden Sun
Attachment In the first Golden Sun game, you can get a "bad ending" near the beginning of the game. After the events that occur at Sol Sanctum, the Great Healer will ask you, "Will you accept responsibility for the fate of the land?" If you say no and leave the room, the screen will turn grey and display the text "And so the world began drifting toward its fated destruction..."
Epic Mickey
Attachment At the end of the game, once Mickey gets back to his world, his calendar reads the date as "November 18th". This date is the release date of Steamboat Willie, the very first Mickey cartoon, November 18th 1928. November 18th was also the release date for Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two in North America.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Attachment In the German version of Ocarina of Time, if you speak to Princess Zelda while wearing the Keaton mask, she will say:

"Was bist du denn? Ach, du bist eines dieser goldigen kleinen Taschenmonster, oder?"

Which roughly translates into:

"What are you? Oh, you're one of those golden little pocket monsters, right?"

Referencing the visual similarities between the mask and Pikachu.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
During the quest "Proving Honor", if the Dragonborn asks Farkas if the companions are werewolves, he ends his response with "It's a secret to everybody." This is a reference to The Legend of Zelda series, where this phrase is infamously repeated.
Borderlands 2
Attachment In Borderlands 2, There's a character named Michael Mamaril that will give the player free (and usually rare) loot. This character is based on a real-life person who died at the age of 22. His friend wrote to Gearbox, the game's developers, asking them to do a eulogy using the voice of the fan-favorite character "Claptrap". Gearbox not only fulfilled his request, but also added Michael as a character in Borderlands 2, so he could live on forever in Borderlands.
Jet Grind Radio
One of the songs, "Super Brothers" by the band "Guitar Vader", is very obviously about Super Mario Bros. This is particuarly unusual, as Jet Set Radio is a SEGA developed game and published from the year 2000, when SEGA and Nintendo were still competitors.
"Come We're going to rescue Peach. We're super boys. 1234567, we like mushrooms."
Platform: Dreamcast
Attachment If you open a Dreamcast VMU, you can see "potato" printed on the MCU chip, as a joke referencing a "potato chip".
Super Mario World
Attachment The seemingly random symbol on the mail box of Yoshi's House is actually the logo for Japan's postal service.
Attachment When the demonic boss "Diablo" is released in the final level, he says something in a bizarre language. When played in reverse, the voice is in English, and says "eat your vegetables and brush after every meal."
Franchise: Fallout
In both Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, a weapon can be found called the Fat Man, a tactical nuke launcher. When you reload it, you hear a bell chime to indicate it has finished reloading. The sound heard is actually the Bethesda development team's lunch room bell.
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
There's a shop minigame where you can unlock various instruments. There are three ocarinas, one that "invokes feelings of rage and power", another that "blows away worry, granting those who hear it courage" and one that "enchants and opens the mind, instilling a sense of mental clarity and wisdom", referencing the Triforce of power, courage and wisdom from The Legend of Zelda series.
Attachment In Maxis' 1996 SimCopter, there is an easter egg that causes half naked men to crowd around the player's helicopter and make out during certain days of the year. Upon learning of the easter egg, Maxis fired the coder, Jacques Servin, for inserting "subversive content" into the games' code. Thousands of copies of the game were recalled from store shelves and the easter egg was removed from later versions of the game.
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete
Attachment In the English version of Lunar 2, there's an Easter egg in place of a glitch seen in the Japanese version. In the first boss fight, if Hiro and Gwyn die at a point that prevents the boss from reaching Lucia, the fight will never end, as the boss cannot kill the last party member. If the same conditions are met in the English version, a cute and tiny character called Ruby that mostly just flies around in the background , will one hit kill the boss.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
If the player names their character "ZELDA" in all capital letters ("LOLO" in the French release; "ぜるだ" in the Japanese release) they are treated to a salsa remix of the game's main theme. This could also be a nod to the original The Legend of Zelda on the NES, where entering the name "ZELDA" on the second save slot results in the game starting on the second quest immediately.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Attachment Just south of the shrine to Peryite, you can find a skeleton about halfway up the mountain. If you look just to the side of the skeleton you will see a sabre cat stuck between two rocks with a weapon lodged in its head. This is a reference to a scene in the movie "300" where Leonidas leads a wolf to a narrow passage, and then stabs it in the head with a spear.
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