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Within the Underground World (a hidden area in the Dream World only accessible by sleeping in one of five replicas of Madotsuki's bed, randomly chosen each time she falls asleep) is a large corridor full of fire. Normally, this room requires Madotsuki to obtain and equip either the Snow Woman or Umbrella effect, which produces precipitation that puts the fire out and allows her to proceed into the Storage Room. However, if she enters this area as a snowman (by equipping the Hat & Scarf effect and pressing the 1 key in the Snow World) and stands next to the fire, she will slowly melt into a puddle of water; pressing the 1 key while in this state reverts her back to human form, as with the un-melted snowman.

While Madotsuki can also become a snowman in the blizzard generated by the Snow Woman effect, the weather would carry over to the corridor and extinguish the fire immediately upon entering. Consequently, Madotsuki can only access this Easter egg via the blizzard that appears by default in the Snow World.

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