The two robots "Big Papa" and "Large Daddy" in the Stonetalon Mountains are references to the Big Daddy mini-bosses of the Bioshock series.

Players would use two-handed axes as guitars, with the interface resembling that used in music games such as Guitar Hero.
Ironband's Excavation Site contains a half-buried statue, similar to the statue of liberty. This appears to be a reference to Planet of the Apes.
Goblins defending the town-in-a-box during the Goblin origin story will occasionally make references to other games or media. After killing a zombie, there is a chance Goblin Survivors will yell out "Smoker" in reference to the Left 4 Dead game series. They may also yell "What do you think, Zombie kill of the week?" in reference to the movie Zombieland.


In Mulgore, there is a character by the name of Ahab Wheathoof, who gives you a quest to find his lost dog, Kyle. This character was actually created by a child by the name of Ezra Chatterton, who had brain cancer as a child. Ezra was able to go to Blizzard's offices thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and help design the character, who was also voiced by Ezra. Ezra also received the first Ashes of Al'ar, a phoenix mount, phoenix being both Ezra's middle name as well as his in-game name (Ephoenix). Ezra also helped create the Merciless Gladiator's Crossbow of the Phoenix, a crossbow that has the inscription of "Finely crafted to Ephoenix's specification." Unfortunately, Ezra suffered a stroke in August, 2008, and died on October 20th. As one last tribute, the elder that appears in Thunder Bluff during the Lunar Festival was renamed to Ezra Wheathoof.
In the Ruins of Lordaeron, ghostly voices can be heard near the throne. The voices are supposed to be coming from King Terenas and Prince Arthas. If you go into the courtyard and use a spell to detect invisibility, you will see all the ghosts of the Lordaeron citizens. This is a reference to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, where the king is killed by a possessed Arthas and the town was destroyed by monsters.
Various screen-shots you take in the game have a secret watermark that contains data for your account ID, the time the screenshot was taken, and the IP and data of the server you were playing on. It's speculated that this was mainly used to identify and punish internal leaking of images during development.
A 12 year old boy called Jørgen Olsen saved himself and his sister from a moose attack using skills he learned from World of Warcraft. Hans and his sister accidentally entered the moose's territory, and the moose attacked. Hans taunted the moose to take its attention away from his sister, and then proceeded to play dead, making the moose lose interest. In the game, 'Taunting' is used to get an enemy's attention, and 'Feign Death' tricks enemies into ignoring you.
Between 2004 and 2011, the human race collectively spent almost 6 million years playing World of Warcraft.
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