In the Shadowlands expansion, the guards in Oribos use giant, mustached human models underneath their armor.
Samwise Didier, the senior art director for Blizzard Entertainment, drew a paladin for a friend's card game, which was left unused and instead ended up being used for World of Warcraft to create Uther. Didier carried over the paladin's mask to another character he drew, which was the inspiration for Ilidan, who he made concept art for back in 2000. The character Ilidan originally carved his eyes out to allow Demonics to sense demons which allowed him to use demonic energy against them back when he was a protagonist at one point during development.

The Chinese version of World of Warcraft is censored to hide instances of blood, gore, and death, and replaced instances of bone or gore with other objects such as sandbags and bread. Undead creatures have also been edited to remove any graphic or gory details.
The baby murloc dance is a reference to the chuck Jones character, Michigan J. Frog, most well known for using a top hat and cane while singing and dancing in the style of a vaudeville performer.
During Wrath of the Lich King, until July 7th 2009, it was possible to tame a worgen character named "Garwal" by using tame pet as he assumed his humanoid form. The captured worgen were later changed to winterskorn worgs.
Through the use of glitch exploitation, it is possible to find sections of Elwynn forest, Stormwind and Westfall in The Everbloom dungeon.
The Crypts of Karazhan, though incomplete, are very developed and detailed with multiple locations. It is unclear why they were made inaccessible through normal means, but it may have been due to the gruesome nature of the area.
The Broken Draenai share their animations and laugh with the Tauren, along with the skeleton from the Tauren model.
The character Boss Mida in Orgimmar's Goblin Slums is a tribute character based off the Trade Princess Movement, where players nominated a fan-made character named Mida Silvertongue as Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel.


There is a plaque with the letters WKM hidden in a rock spire in Orgrimmar. The area is not usually accessible but can be reached by using glitches.
There is an unfinished instance that lays just north of Stratholme. It can be seen on the world map but is otherwise inaccessible without the use of glitches or exploits. It contains segments of Stratholme that are inaccessible through normal play including an untextured model of Naxxramus.
Through the use of glitches in 5.4.2, it was possible to fall out of the Naxxramas dungeon in Northrend, walk to a glitched instance of Stratholme, past the unused portal in Stratholme to find the unfinished model of Naxxramas.
Through the use of glitches in 5.4.2, it was possible to fall out of the Naxxramas dungeon in Northrend, walk to a glitched instance of Stratholme, past the unused portal in Stratholme to find the unfinished model of Naxxramas.
Ben Brode, member of Team 5 and Senior Game Designer for Hearthstone, appears in players' Draenor garrison for both factions.
He sells two Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft themed Toys.
He sells two Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft themed Toys.
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