Although the Wii port of the game was primarily developed with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk combo in mind, the game has limited Classic Controller support via the left and right analog stick.
The Stone Stomper uses two interchangeable names in-game. In the intro cutscene for Carnival Chaos and during the boss fight in Showdown with Omegaton, the name Stone Smasher is used. However, in both the game's manual and the tutorial for the move Stone Stomp in Carnival Chaos, the name Stone Stomper is used.
Carnival Chaos Stone Stomper tutorial:
Carnival Chaos opening mission log cutscene:
Showdown with Omegaton boss fight dialogue:
Tornado Outbreak manual (page 5 in the manual):
Carnival Chaos opening mission log cutscene:
Showdown with Omegaton boss fight dialogue:
Tornado Outbreak manual (page 5 in the manual):
If the Hex values for Zephyr and the tornado are swapped in the game's data, the in-game camera will automatically resort to a first-person perspective by positioning itself within the near center of the tornado. This is because the camera is tied directly to both Zephyr and the tornado.
Pressing the C button/right bumper/R2 button will automatically target the camera, but what it targets differs depending on what mode you play. In the single-player campaign, the camera is targeted directly towards the L.O.A.D. STARR objective; it is unlocked upon successfully grabbing all 50 Fire Flyers within the current zone, and will remain unlocked until you advance to the next zone. In multiplayer, this mechanic works differently by instead targeting the other player. Although this mechanic is present in all three versions of the game, the Wii version is different in that it can only be used in multiplayer, unlike the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions where it can be used in both single-player and multiplayer.
subdirectory_arrow_right Galactic Taz Ball (Game)

Hidden Palace article:
The Cutting Room Floor articles with leftover assets from the DS port as the game was getting retooled into Crash Landed:
Discussion about the Crash prototype being retooled into Galactic Taz Ball:
The Cutting Room Floor articles with leftover assets from the DS port as the game was getting retooled into Crash Landed:
Discussion about the Crash prototype being retooled into Galactic Taz Ball:
An unused exit screen with the label "underconstruction_exit" exists within the game files. When activated in-game, the level will abruptly end and transition to the boss variation of the level's stage.
Unlike its Wii counterpart, characters such as Zephyr, Nimbus, and the Wind Warrior use two separate models in the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 ports of the game.
The first model is used during fly-through cinematics while the second one is used in-game. The Wii version only used one model, presumably because of the lack of resources on the Wii's hardware.
The first model is used during fly-through cinematics while the second one is used in-game. The Wii version only used one model, presumably because of the lack of resources on the Wii's hardware.
Enabling free cam will reveal that a duplicate model of Zephyr is placed in the level's default position, which varies depending on the level.
An unfinished test animation for Zephyr and the Wind Warrior exists within the game files; the animation is named "surf"
Originally, instead of controlling a Wind Warrior in co-op mode, the player would have taken control of Nimbus. A partially unused transformation animation (which was re-purposed into a flying transition animation for the final game) and a stunned animation for Nimbus can be found in the game's files.
An unused idle animation for Nimbus exists in the game files. The animation is just called small_idle and has Nimbus' model shrunken down.
When it comes to emulation, the Nintendo Wii port of the game struggles to maintain 30 FPS on a handful of levels due to the large amount of objects being rendered on-screen.

The achievement/trophy Green Eggs and.... is a reference to the 1960 Dr. Seuss book, Green Eggs and Ham.
A digital PlayStation 3 and WiiWare port of the game was in development, but was silently canceled. A digital version of the Xbox 360 port of the game, originally announced in June of 2009 as an Xbox Live Arcade title, was released on December 6, 2011.
In most cases, the game's interactive music is comprised of seven different layers. The first layer, being the base melody, second being drums, third being bass, fourth being electric guitar, fifth being strings, sixth being woodwinds and brass instruments, and the seventh and final layer, a choir.
The sunlight in the Xbox 360 port of the game uses an animated shader that creates a mirage effect.
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