A joke existed in early versions of the game when Guybrush would look at the statue in the voodoo shop. When the player would use the "Look At" command on the statue, Guybrush would respond, "Looks like an emaciated Charles Atlas." LucasArts received a cease and desist letter because of this joke, and it was removed from later versions of the game.
Allegedly, Dave Grossman, one of the game's designers, had suggested the idea that the Giant Monkey Head would be a giant robot but the idea was dismissed. The concept would however later be used in the forth installment, "Escape from Monkey Island".
Orson Scott Card, author of the Ender's game series, came up with the insults for the insult sword fighting segments of the game. He received assistance from his kids in coming up with lame starting insults.
The SCUMM Bar is named after the SCUMM engine used to power the game as well as most of LucasArt's adventure games during the late 1980s and 1990s.
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