According to Katsuhiro Harada, he and his team wanted the Mushroom Battle mode to have many different items, similar to the variety of items in the Mario Kart series. However, ##Nintendo## believed that this would've been too much of an extension to the game's standard gameplay, and so the plan never followed through.
According to Katsuhiro Harada, his team originally wanted to make a simplified version of the game for the Wii U because they believed Nintendo only wanted casual games on its systems. However, Nintendo wanted them to keep the hardcore elements in the game.
During the boss battle of Fight Lab: Stage 5, the characters will be wearing outfits that resemble other characters from the Street Fighter series:
• Ganryu as Ryu
• Bob as Ken
• Jinpachi Mishima as Akuma
• Ganryu as Ryu
• Bob as Ken
• Jinpachi Mishima as Akuma
Although the game is considered noncanon, some of the character's endings appear to follow up with the Tekken 6 storyline. Therefore, the endings are canon but the game isn't.
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