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Near the end of the Chicken Island West stage, there is a hidden cave on a cliff wall just above the ocean, specifically just near an outhouse, that can be most easily accessed by hovering down into it with the Chicken Suit. Inside the cave is a shrine with four torches, and in the center a portrait of an "Apedog" (a dog with a chimpanzee's head) with the caption "eatpoo" in lowercase lettering just below it. This is a tribute to a now-defunct online art forum called EATPOO, which one of Avalanche Software's developers frequented at the time, and of which Apedog was the mascot.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month October 4, 2021
Tak and the Power of Juju Eatpoo Easter Egg:

Archived Eatpoo page from 2003:

Old Urban Dictionary results for Eatpoo:

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