Simon Belmont was originally slated to be revealed for Super Smash Flash 2 on August 10th, 2018 during that year's Super Smash Con event. Coincidentially, Simon would be announced for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate two days later in an August 8th Nintendo Direct. The trailer for Super Smash Flash 2 would poke fun at the timing of the two announcements.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Simon and Richter reveal trailers:
Super Smash Flash 2 - Simon trailer:
Super Smash Flash 2 - Simon trailer:

This character was removed due to its attack being too convincing and fooling full-screen players into thinking their game actually crashed, as well as MissingNo not officially being a canonical Pokémon.

Archived Super Smash Flash 2 Dojo Battle Cards post:
Archived Super Smash Flash 2 Dojo Battle Cards removal post:
Archived Super Smash Flash 2 Dojo Battle Cards removal post:
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