According to Mike and Matt Chapman, a representative of Sega of America offered them the chance to make a game based off Homestar Runner, but they declined their offer because they were not offered creative control over the game's development.
They were later approached by Telltale Games who offered more creative freedom and they both believed the episodic format would work better for the characters of Homestar Runner, leading to the creation of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People.
"There was a dude from Sega of America awhile ago that we were kinda just talking to. I was like, 'Is there any way that this wouldn’t just be put into the factory and stuck out on the other end with something that looks kinda like our characters?' And the guy was like, 'Ehhhn, probably not.' He was very up front, and we were like, 'Well thanks for being honest, we’ll pass.'"
They were later approached by Telltale Games who offered more creative freedom and they both believed the episodic format would work better for the characters of Homestar Runner, leading to the creation of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People.
In Episode 5, the music that plays when Strong Bad's house is being haunted by ghosts sounds extremely similar to the Ghost House theme from Super Mario World.
A shirt normally unobtainable during Strong Badia the Free, Baddest of the Bands, and Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective can be accessed by adding the 32-bit value "shirtmuscles" to the game's registry. It even has its own dialogue when Strong Bad puts it on. The shirt is a refrence to the Sbmail "tanning" where Strong Bad invents a device to draw abs on their body called the Ab-Abber 2000
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