Every song in the game has unique patterns playing on the step panels which, like the on-screen video, are synced to the music. Some notable examples include:
• Max428: The current BPM is displayed.
• Robot World: Binary Code runs on the top and bottom of the pads, reading "Robots would tap stars!"
• Xuxa: a duck is shown floating across the playfield.
• Flight of the Bumblebee: bees are shown flying across the panels dodging a flyswatter.
• Max428: The current BPM is displayed.
• Robot World: Binary Code runs on the top and bottom of the pads, reading "Robots would tap stars!"
• Xuxa: a duck is shown floating across the playfield.
• Flight of the Bumblebee: bees are shown flying across the panels dodging a flyswatter.
On the Name Entry screen, when attempting to submit an inappropriate name (i.e. profanity, sexual content), it will instead be replaced with a different, more appropriate name. Humorously, this also applies when attempting to submit the names DDR (an abbreviation for rival series Dance Dance Revolution) or 573 (The "Konami Number", Konami being the company behind DDR), as they will be replaced with "SMX" (abbreviation for StepManiaX) and 123 respectively.
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