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In March 2012, producer Takashi Iizuka was asked on a interview if there was going to be an Episode III. He said:

"We are looking forward to hearing the feedback from the users for Episode 2, but we are currently not planning to release another episode. We just want to see how the users accept this episode."

In January 2015, Ken Balough said in a Facebook reply that they were plans for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode III, but for reasons "that can't be discussed", it was scrapped.

Comments (1)

Apparently Christian Whitehead was going to take part in the development of Episode III. It's very interesting as he went on to make Sonic Mania which is widely held to be much better than Sonic the Hedgehog 4.
BlueStaggo Oct 28, 2023, 8:49 AM
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