
According to Akira Nishino, there were plans to make a sequel to Ristar. They got as far as making character designs, but it was never developed further for various reasons, and was eventually dropped.


The Japanese version had seven additional passwords that were taken out of the international versions:
• AAAAAA: Gives infinite continues.
• CANDY: Disables collision damage.
• FEEL: Enables invincibility, true sight, and stage select.
• MACCHA: Changes the color of Greedy's Castle from brown to green. The word "matcha" or "maccha" means "powdered green tea" in Japanese.
• MASTER: A simple text saying "PLEASE WAIT FOR NEXT STORY THANK YOU..." appears on the password screen. Nothing else happens.
• STAR: A shooting star flies in from the top-left corner of the screen to the bottom-right corner on the password screen.
• VALDI: Jumps to an interactive version of the Valdi star system seen in the credits.
• AAAAAA: Gives infinite continues.
• CANDY: Disables collision damage.
• FEEL: Enables invincibility, true sight, and stage select.
• MACCHA: Changes the color of Greedy's Castle from brown to green. The word "matcha" or "maccha" means "powdered green tea" in Japanese.
• MASTER: A simple text saying "PLEASE WAIT FOR NEXT STORY THANK YOU..." appears on the password screen. Nothing else happens.
• STAR: A shooting star flies in from the top-left corner of the screen to the bottom-right corner on the password screen.
• VALDI: Jumps to an interactive version of the Valdi star system seen in the credits.
On the first round of Planet Sonata, after delivering the last metronome to the bird robot, if you sit and wait for nearly a minute before going to the boss, a rendition of the nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb" will start playing.
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