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However, while the screenshot was not photoshopped, the claim that it was an anti-piracy measure was not true. Rather, the text was added into the game's code by an anonymous individual who distributed a ROM of it online; the claim that it was an anti-piracy feature was most likely used by the individual to circumvent ROM distribution sites' restrictions on modified games. This explains why anecdotal reports of encountering the text were so much higher than what would be expected from a complete hoax, as well as why the text is absent when examining an unaltered ROM of the game in a hex editor.
DidYouKnowGaming video which mentions the rumor (before it was debunked):
YouTube video by Tech Rules debunking the rumor:
YouTube video by Tech Rules debunking the rumor:
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon FireRed Version (Game)
From the start of the game, if you make it up to after the first Rival Battle when you are about to leave Pallet Town without opening the Start menu once, an NPC will appear in front of the town's exit who will interrupt you if you try to leave and recite the Trainer's Tips sign that teaches you how to save your game.
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon FireRed Version (Game)
The Pokedex will incorrectly display A Pokemon's category; only showing the first word of a Pokemon's category. For example:
All other games in the Pokemon series categorize Squirtle as the "tiny turtle Pokemon". In the Pokemon Fire Red & Leaf Green Pokedex, Squirtle is listed as the "Tiny Pokemon".
All other games in the Pokemon series categorize Squirtle as the "tiny turtle Pokemon". In the Pokemon Fire Red & Leaf Green Pokedex, Squirtle is listed as the "Tiny Pokemon".
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subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon FireRed Version (Game)
Once the player completes the main storyline and obtains the National Pokedex, Entei, Raikou and Suicune become available to capture as roaming legendaries. During an encounter with one of them, if the player uses Mean Look and one of the legendary dogs uses Roar, it will end the battle as usual. However, the Pokemon will have disappeared from the map upon checking the Pokedex to locate the Pokemon, making it impossible to further encounter them in that save file.
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In the Sevii Islands is a large patch of grass with paths running through it called 'Pattern Bush'. It's thought these patterns were made to resemble the circuit board of the original Red and Green games. Fittingly enough, the grass there only contains bug Pokemon, referencing all the "bugs" (as in glitches) found in the original games.
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subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon FireRed Version (Game), Pokémon Blue Version (Game), Pokémon Green Version (Game), Pokémon Red Version (Game)

subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon FireRed Version (Game)
Since the games run on the same engine as the Ruby and Sapphire (and, by extension, Emerald) games, the same weather effects are also in the data for both versions. These include Cloudy, Rain, Snow, Thunderstorm, Sandstorm, Volcanic Ash, Mist and even a texture for Underwater. Except for the cloudy and Mist weather effects, all others are unused.
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon FireRed Version (Game)
The two passwords required for entering the Rocket Warehouse on Five Island are "Goldeen need log" and "Yes nah Chansey". Both of these are actually palindromes - they read the same backwards as they do forwards.
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The reason that LeafGreen is the intentional release instead of WaterBlue is that Junichi Masuda, the game director, wanted an icon of peace (which is what leaf is said to represent) instead of an icon that conflicts with the image of fire used by the other game.
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When playing as the male hero, a movie about four boys walking down railroad tracks is playing on the television downstairs, likely referencing the film Stand by Me. If playing as the female hero, a movie about a girl in pigtails walking down a yellow brick road is playing, likely a reference to the film The Wizard of Oz.
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subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon FireRed Version (Game), Pokémon Blue Version (Game), Pokémon Red Version (Game), Pokémon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition (Game)
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