Pokémon Black Version
Pokémon Black Version
September 18, 2010
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Attachment To promote Pokémon Black and White, the Pokémon Company partnered with alternative rock band The Presidents of the United States of America to create a song titled "Can't Stop (Catchin' 'Em All)". The song mentions a multitude of Unova Pokémon alongside brief descriptors of their behavior or appearance. A music video was also created that was shared online and on a promotional DVD given out through Nintendo Power magazine. In addition to some of their original songs, the band performed "Can't Stop (Catchin' 'Em All)" live at the Pokémon Black and White launch party on March 5, 2011 at the Nintendo World store in New York City.
person Sucha_Frosty_LOSER calendar_month March 12, 2025
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Skyla was originally conceived as a Dragon-type gym leader, while Iris was conceived as a Flying-type one. These attributes were swapped relatively early into development: examining character pitches for both gym leaders found in the Teraleak (a large-scale breach of internal server data from Game Freak in 2024), the earliest recovered revisions are the only ones which describe them with their initial type specializations. From the second revision of the documents onward, they bear the same types seen in the final game.

Of note is that Iris' later pitches describe her Dragon-type specialization as stemming from a connection that she felt since birth. Given that these subsequent drafts change her ethnicity from "indigenous" (likely Mesoamerican given her use of "Aztec-style" hair decorations) to "Middle Eastern," these traits imply that she is intended to be multiethnic (as within Middle Eastern cultures, dragons are found in Canaanite, Mesopotamian, and Persian mythology, while her outfit, a galabeya, is generally associated with rural Egyptians).
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Attachment Among the files included in the Teraleak, a massive breach of internal server data from Game Freak in 2024, are early overworld sprites for various prominent NPCs in Pokémon Black and White. These sprites feature various differences compared to the final game:

• Cheren wears a darker outfit and lacks the upright lock in his hair.
• Professor Juniper features a taller sprite and a green coat instead of a blue one.
• Cilian, Chili, and Cress lack their aprons, with the latter two additionally featuring considerably different hairstyles.
• Lenora wears an orange outfit instead of a pink one, and her hairband is closer to her forehead.
• Burgh sports long, wavy hair instead of shoulder-length hair, wears a darker outfit (without the scarf that he sports in the final game), and stands in a wider stance.
• Grimsley is blonde instead of dark-haired, coincidentally resembling Barry from the Generation IV titles.
• Elesa doesn't wear stockings and features a more curved set of headphones.
• Brycen's palette is overall darker, he wears a face mask instead of a domino mask, and his robe shows much more skin compared to the final game.
• Skyla has much darker skin and brown hair tied in pigtails resembling a bird's wings. This design, which was radically overhauled in the final game, is likely a more literal interpretation of later revisions of her character pitch (also included in the Teraleak), which describe her as a dark-skinned Hispanic character inspired by Latina celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez (who is ethnically Puerto Rican) and Isabeli Fontana (who hails from Brazil, which is a Latin American country, but not a Hispanic one on account of its Lusophone population).

In-battle sprites for several characters are also present in the Teraleak's assets. Notably, while Elesa's in-battle sprite reflects her early overworld design, Skyla's in-battle sprite is light-skinned and blue-haired, indicating that Game Freak were considering alternate design options before ultimately settling with her final look, which features red hair, a significantly different hairstyle, and a complexion that matches the "slightly dark-toned" description given in the earliest version of her pitch (which more specifically describes her as South American, matching Fontana but not Lopez).
person VinchVolt calendar_month October 15, 2024
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Attachment Within leaked source code for Pokémon Black and White uncovered by the Teraleak (a large-scale breach of internal server data from Game Freak in 2024) is an unreleased Nintendo DS remake of Yoshi, which according to the commit notes was intended to test multiboot functions for the two games. Various traits in the remake suggest that it was ported from a prior attempt at a Super Nintendo Entertainment System version instead of being made with the DS in mind: its name on the title screen is Super Yoshi no Tamago, while its copyright notice is listed as 1995 and credits Ape Inc., which had shut down in the same year. Furthermore, gameplay takes place exclusively on the bottom screen, and there are no touch control features present.

The remake only has one stage, an underwater level. Mario uses Jill's voice lines from Drill Dozer while Yoshi retains his modern voice. The game is also riddled with bugs, featuring corrupted title screen graphics, a nonfunctional mode selection screen, and a glitch where the game may lock up if certain button combinations are pressed. Due to the Teraleak only containing fragments of the Pokémon Black & White source code, it is unknown if these bugs reflect the state that Super Yoshi no Tamago was in when it was abandoned.
person Rocko & Heffer calendar_month October 15, 2024
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In Generation V, the sounds that play with each individual hit of the move Thrash sound extremely similar to the opening notes of the "Ground Theme" from Super Mario Bros.
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Attachment The Pokemon Audino's design was created for the Pokemon Anime first and foremost. Artist Ken Sugimori stated he wanted a Pokémon that would look good alongside the series' Nurse Joy just like Chansey did, as he knew the Anime would go the same route as Black and White, and would feature an entirely new roster of Pokemon.
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According to an interview with Ken Sugimori, Deino and it's evolutions, Zweilous and Hydreigon, were originally desinged to be cyborg tanks, but the idea was scrapped, then revived to look more like the mythical Yamata no Orochi.

Sugimori stated in the interview, "Deino, Zweilous, Hydreigon. At first, these incorporated an army tank motif, and the marks that look like a conveyor belt on the upper part of Zweilous's legs are the remnants of that. Initially, they didn't work as designs and were basically 'put to sleep', however, a three-stage powerful Dragon-type family was ordered and they were resurrected."
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The game contains unused hidden abilities for certain Pokemon. They include a Zapdos with Lighting Rod, the Snivy family with the ability Contrary, and a Chandelure with Shadow Tag.
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Attachment In the beta version, when buying items at a Pokémon Center, the part of the screen where the player can be seen is rotated.
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Attachment Darumaka is designed after a Daruma doll, both having similar markings and neither being able to be laid out on their sides.
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Game Freak has its own building in Castelia City. They appear on floor 22, the same floor as in their real life office in Carrot Tower, Tokyo, Japan.
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According to game scenario author Toshinobu Matsumiya, Hilbert and Hilda were initially visualized to be 16 years old.
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During certain occasions, the spirit of a deceased young girl will be standing on the bridge, and will disappear if the player walks towards her. An old lady in the gate to the east of the bridge will explain that the young girl used to play around the area with an Abra before the bridge was built. In the sequels, the girl will also appear in Strange House where she will refer to Abra and the bridge before telling the player to return the Lunar Wing there, which will trigger a battle with Cresselia.
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The idea of having two rivals instead of one came from early concepts for the Pokemon series that went unused until Black & White.
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Fans believe a number of areas in the game include music that sounds similar to music in Mother 3, such as Pokemon's "N's Farewell" and Mother 3's "Love Theme," and Pokemon's "Surf Theme" sounding like Mother 3's "The Green Train's Fun Too!"

None of the songs in the game are confirmed to be inspired by the Mother series.
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There are unused 3D models for both Dialga and Palkia from the title screen of Diamond & Pearl. There are also logos for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl in the data, probably because Black and White were built on top of those games.
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Genesect's backstory is similar to Mewtwo's. Both were created by villainous teams in at least one canon (Team Rocket for Metwto and Team Plasma Genesect), and genetically engineered and enhanced to be more powerful.
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Prime numbers had a significant role in the composition of N's battle theme. Though there is little evidence to suggest this in-game, N is actually a mathematical genius. It can also be said that he sees the world in a 'black and white' fashion, using formulas to make sense of it.
Composer and director Junichi Masuda frequently references this in N's battle theme with the use of prime numbers, and even more so with the addition of sounds like a clock ticking in N's final battle theme.
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The GTS has a filter to prevent Pokémon with inappropriate nicknames from being traded. However this prevented Pokémon, such as Cofagrigus, from being traded without nicknaming it because their name contains a keyword. This has been mostly fixed but some Pokémon, such as Nosepass, are still unable to be traded without a nickname.
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Attachment On Route 10 in Pokémon Red & Blue, Picnicker Carol gives a description of a chunky, pink Pokémon with a floral pattern. This description perfectly matches the Pokémon Munna, from Pokémon Black & White released twelve years later.
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