In an interview with Nintendo Dream conducted roughly three months after the release of Mother 3, director and series creator Shigesato Itoi stated that the Magypsies were designed as a deliberate contrast with the game's otherwise "macho" setting. Rather than responding to violence with violence, they intervene through peaceful means and live fully aware of and comfortable with the inevitability of death.
In the same interview, Itoi also stated that he made representation a big part of the game's cast: the Magypsies were inspired by friends of his (though he did not specify if this referred to their philosophies or their depiction as nonbinary figures who take after drag culture), and Duster was given a limp "because there are handicapped people in our world." According to Itoi, the idea behind this was to encourage an anti-discrimination message.
In the same interview, Itoi also stated that he made representation a big part of the game's cast: the Magypsies were inspired by friends of his (though he did not specify if this referred to their philosophies or their depiction as nonbinary figures who take after drag culture), and Duster was given a limp "because there are handicapped people in our world." According to Itoi, the idea behind this was to encourage an anti-discrimination message.

• "Super Sunset Miracle Chop Again"
• "Super Chop Miracle Sunset Again"
• "Super Miracle Sunset Chop Again"
• "Miracle Chop Super Sunset Again"
• "Miracle Chop Super Sunrise Again"
• "Miracle Sunset Super Chop Again"
None of this corresponds with anything seen in the final game, and a note attached to the question clarifies that it was based on something that was removed during development, telling fans to ignore it. Because the intended answer was never confirmed by anyone on the Mother 3 development team, it is unknown what the true name of the technique was. Similarly, the question doesn't clarify what the technique would've been used for, though the phrase "Thief Jujitsu" is most similar to the Secret Thief Arts Technique that Wess occasionally uses in battle.

Young Lucas sprites:
Older Lucas sprites:
Young Fuel sprites:
Older Fuel sprites:
Young Kumatora sprites:
Older Kumatora sprites:
Older Lucas sprites:
Young Fuel sprites:
Older Fuel sprites:
Young Kumatora sprites:
Older Kumatora sprites:
In Chapter 2, during the cutscene just before Kumatora joins the party as a permanent member, she fires PK Freeze α at Duster and Wess when they walk into the stairwell she was in, not immediately recognizing who they were. PK Freeze α costs 5 PP to use. After the cutscene ends, if you check Kumatora's status, she will have 68 PP out of 73 PP remaining.
This detail could imply one of two things:
•She had her Magic Pendant equipped increasing her Maximum PP by 5 but not increasing the Total PP she already had and that the cutscene's use of PK Freeze α did nothing.
•She did start with 73 PP without the Magic Pendant being equipped and her use of PK Freeze α during the cutscene actually did drain her Total PP by 5.
Regardless of which option was intended, both still imply that for whatever reason, the developers had the foresight to have Kumatora join the party without having a full PP meter.
This detail could imply one of two things:
•She had her Magic Pendant equipped increasing her Maximum PP by 5 but not increasing the Total PP she already had and that the cutscene's use of PK Freeze α did nothing.
•She did start with 73 PP without the Magic Pendant being equipped and her use of PK Freeze α during the cutscene actually did drain her Total PP by 5.
Regardless of which option was intended, both still imply that for whatever reason, the developers had the foresight to have Kumatora join the party without having a full PP meter.
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Mother 3+, the game's physical soundtrack, contains a remix of Big Shot's theme. This remix is heavily based on the theme used in the trailer for Earthbound/Mother 64. The track's name, "A Great Person Theme", instead of "Big Shot's Theme", suggests that this particular version of the song was created earlier in the game's development, possibly when it was still planned to be a 64DD game.

The Game Boy Advance contains the original Game Boy and Game Boy Color's CPU, the LR35902, for backwards compatibility purposes. In Mother 3, the song "Porky's Porkies" uses only the original DMG processor, and the inside variation of "No Eating Crackers in the Cinema" also primarily uses it, though the latter also uses a sampled bass line.
In Chapter 8 during Leder's story, the music that plays, "Leder's Gymnopedie", is both named after and an adaptation of Erik Satie's "Gymnopedie No.1"
Shigesato Itoi stated in an interview that Tanetane Island and its hallucinations were based on his affinity for the television shows "Twin Peaks" and "Lost".
The enemy, Gently Weeping Guitar, is a reference to The Beatle's song, "While My Guitar Gently Weeps".
Claus has over 150 unused sprites, the most out of all the characters in the game, including full running and walking animations in a bathing suit.
There is an unused favorite food item that heals 300 HP to a single party member, which can be bought for 200 DP. Suggesting that the favorite food was planned for inclusion at some point of the game.
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When fighting Mr. Passion or Lord Passion, his background music contains samples from Famous Composers, such as Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C Minor and Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat Minor.
Shigesato Itoi stated in an interview that, due to Porky's immortality, he will still be alive 5.5 billion years after the date at which the interview was taken, when the world has ended, stating that "the grief of that is incredibly depressing to me. It's amazing... Porky is truly a poem in himself.."

Shogo Sakai was the only person in charge of all the music in Mother 3, which count up to being 250 songs. Itoi realized even before he started development that he couldn't just request an outside musician and wanted someone who would have a lot of time to work on the project.
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