
In Episode 7 of the TV series adaptation of The Last of Us, Ellie and Riley are seen playing the arcade version of Mortal Kombat II. At one point, Riley uses Mileena's fatality on Ellie's character Raiden, with Riley being heard pressing four buttons to initiate the killing blow. Following the episode's release, a number of fans online claimed this was inaccurate, as one can simply just press and hold the Heavy Kick command during the "Finish Him!" prompt to initiate her Fatality. However, other Mortal Kombat players argued that the show's display of gameplay could possibly be correct, pointing out that there is an alternate way to do the fatality. Specifically, Mileena can perform the Fatality by standing close to the opponent, holding the Block button and tapping the Heavy Kick command.


Shao Kahn had to be re-sized to be taller than the other Kombatants, as his actor, Brian Glynn, was shorter than everyone on set.
By playing 250 matches in a row, the players unlock the ability to play a round of Pong in the middle of the match. The game lasts until one player gets 7 points before throwing both players back into the match.

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