Attachment The game's credits run for almost 4 hours. The credits mostly consist of backers who helped pledge to the game's Kickstarter, a total of 67,226 different people.
Attachment In the level "Highway", a billboard of Arin Hanson, popular YouTube animator and co-host of the web series Game Grumps, with the tag line "Face In The Game!!" can be seen passing by. Anyone who had pledged to the game's Kickstarter $2,500 US or more could have a 2D representation of their face somewhere in the game. Arin also appears in the game's credits as 'Mighty No. 12226'.
Attachment In the game's Backer Credits, backer Mighty No. 5040 is listed with the name "Kamiya was right". This is in reference to comments made by Capcom alumn Hideki Kamiya on Twitter about Mighty No. 9 and its producer Keiji Inafune before its release, calling the game a copy of Mega Man and "an insult to their old home", in addition to comments about Inafune not actually creating Mega Man (Inafune's design for Mega Man that would define the series' art style was based on sprite work and a basic concept originally created by Akira Kitamura) and calling him a business man.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month September 12, 2022

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